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Outputs (176)

Optimizing squat technique (2007)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., & Kasim, P. (2007). Optimizing squat technique. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 29(6), 10-13.

There are many variations of the squat technique, including stance width, foot positioning, and squat depth. However, research indicates that the optimal squat technique is a wide stance (≥ shoulder width) with natural foot positioning, unrestricted... Read More about Optimizing squat technique.

A sociological analysis of patients' experiences of day surgery (2007)
Mottram, A. A sociological analysis of patients' experiences of day surgery. (Thesis). University of Manchester


ABSTRACT OF THESIS submitted by ……Anne Mottram…………………………….
For the Degree of Ph.D.….……………………………………….…….…
Title: A Sociological Analysis of Patients’ Experiences of Day Surgery
Month and Year of submission … Decemb... Read More about A sociological analysis of patients' experiences of day surgery.

The effect of stress on the expression of the amyloid precursor protein in rat brain (2007)
Journal Article
Sayer, R., Robertson, D., J.K. Balfour, D., C. Breen, K., & A. Stewart, C. (2008). The effect of stress on the expression of the amyloid precursor protein in rat brain. Neuroscience Letters, 431(6), 197-200.

The abnormal processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a pivotal event in the development of the unique pathology that defines Alzheimer's disease (AD). Stress, and the associated increase in corticosteroids, appear to accelerate brain age... Read More about The effect of stress on the expression of the amyloid precursor protein in rat brain.

Evaluating information skills training in health libraries: a systematic review (2007)
Journal Article
Brettle, A. (2007). Evaluating information skills training in health libraries: a systematic review. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 24(Suppl), 18-37.

: Systematic reviews have shown that there is limited evidence to
demonstrate that the information literacy training health librarians provide is
effective in improving clinicians’ information skills or has an impact on patient
care.... Read More about Evaluating information skills training in health libraries: a systematic review.

Evaluating information skills training in health libraries: a systematic review (2007)
Journal Article
Brettle, A. (2007). Evaluating information skills training in health libraries: a systematic review. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 24(Suppl), 18-37.

: Systematic reviews have shown that there is limited evidence to
demonstrate that the information literacy training health librarians provide is
effective in improving clinicians’ information skills or has an impact on patient
care.... Read More about Evaluating information skills training in health libraries: a systematic review.

Gender-specific in vivo measurement of the structural and mechanical properties of the human patellar tendon (2007)
Journal Article
Onambele, G., Burgess, K., & Pearson, S. (2007). Gender-specific in vivo measurement of the structural and mechanical properties of the human patellar tendon. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 25(12), 1635-1642.

Human patellar tendon stress (σ), strain (ε), stiffness (K), and tensile or Young's modulus (E), are determined in vivo through voluntary isometric contractions monitored with B-mode ultrasonography. The limitations in previous studies are: (1) they... Read More about Gender-specific in vivo measurement of the structural and mechanical properties of the human patellar tendon.

Primary PCI and the role of the 'thrombolysis nurse' : Threat or opportunity (2007)
Journal Article
Gamon, R., Jones, I., Whitmore, J., Charnley, L., & Coleman, L. (2007). Primary PCI and the role of the 'thrombolysis nurse' : Threat or opportunity. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 2(12), 580-587.

While particular titles and job roles vary, acute cardiac nurses or ‘thrombolysis nurses’ have been highly influential in ensuring patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction receive thrombolysis therapy with the minimum delay. If primar... Read More about Primary PCI and the role of the 'thrombolysis nurse' : Threat or opportunity.