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Outputs (239)

The applicability of ultrasound imaging in the assessment of dynamic patella tracking: a preliminary investigation (2008)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., & Pearson, S. (2008). The applicability of ultrasound imaging in the assessment of dynamic patella tracking: a preliminary investigation. ˜The œKnee (Amsterdam. Online), 15, 125-127

The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of muscle stimulation of the Vastus Medialis Oblique (VMO) and Vastus Laterialis (VL)
muscles on patella position in-vivo assessed by ultrasound scanning. Also to assess the reliability of the techn... Read More about The applicability of ultrasound imaging in the assessment of dynamic patella tracking: a preliminary investigation.

Anterior translation at the glenohumeral joint: A cause of axillary artery compression? (2008)
Journal Article
Stapleton, C., & Herrington, L. (2008). Anterior translation at the glenohumeral joint: A cause of axillary artery compression?.

Background: Lesions to the axillary artery are reported in overhead athletes. One speculated cause is repeated transient compression by the humeral head due to excessive laxity at the glenohumeral joint.
Hypotheses: (1) Anterior translation of the... Read More about Anterior translation at the glenohumeral joint: A cause of axillary artery compression?.

Sonographic evaluation of the axillary artery during simulated overhead throwing position (2008)
Journal Article
Stapleton, C., Herrington, L., & George, K. (2008). Sonographic evaluation of the axillary artery during simulated overhead throwing position. Physical Therapy in Sport, 9(3), 126-135.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine changes in axillary artery diameter and peak systolic velocity in asymptomatic individuals during upper limb positioning commonly used to assess vascular pathology in athletes.
Design: Repeated meas... Read More about Sonographic evaluation of the axillary artery during simulated overhead throwing position.

Gender role models...who needs 'em?! (2008)
Journal Article
Hicks, S. (2008). Gender role models...who needs 'em?!. Qualitative Social Work, 7(1), 43-59.

This article examines the use of socialization theory in social workers’ considerations of child development. The author analyses assessments of lesbians and gay men who applied to foster or adopt children, in order to demonstrate social workers’ rel... Read More about Gender role models...who needs 'em?!.

Undertaking a systematic review: the road to successful completion (2008)
Journal Article
Yorke, J., & Fleming, S. (2008). Undertaking a systematic review: the road to successful completion. Journal of Research in Nursing, 13(4), 282-298.

The systematic review is an important research method that allows for
the critical analysis of the results from a range of existing studies to answer research
questions. The findings can be used to inform clinical decisions, as well as the
develop... Read More about Undertaking a systematic review: the road to successful completion.

Undertaking a systematic review: the road to successful completion (2008)
Journal Article
Yorke, J., & Fleming, S. (2008). Undertaking a systematic review: the road to successful completion. Journal of Research in Nursing, 13(4), 282-298.

The systematic review is an important research method that allows for
the critical analysis of the results from a range of existing studies to answer research
questions. The findings can be used to inform clinical decisions, as well as the
develop... Read More about Undertaking a systematic review: the road to successful completion.

The objects of transformation in higher education (2008)
Journal Article
Hall, M. (2008). The objects of transformation in higher education. Social Dynamics, 34(1), 74-85.

This paper reviews the purposes of higher education in South Africa through to lens the 1997 Education White Paper. It is argued that, while the principles of the White Paper have shaped the development of the higher education system over the followi... Read More about The objects of transformation in higher education.