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Outputs (239)

Preparedness for clinical practice – perceptions of graduates and their work supervisors (2008)
Journal Article
Mackay, S., Anderson, A., & Hogg, P. (2008). Preparedness for clinical practice – perceptions of graduates and their work supervisors. Radiography, 14(3), 226-232.

Purpose: The standards of performance of healthcare professionals are now well defined and used to determine health professional curricula. Empirical research evidence exists in medicine and nursing which explores how well these curricula prepare the... Read More about Preparedness for clinical practice – perceptions of graduates and their work supervisors.

A content analysis of prescription drug information in the UK print news media (2008)
Journal Article
Prosser, H., & Clayson, K. (2008). A content analysis of prescription drug information in the UK print news media. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 16(4), 223-230.

Objective: to determine the frequency and nature of news stories of prescription drugs in a range of widely distributed UK newspapers, and to examine what information is presented.
Setting UK newsprint media.
Method Content analysis.
Key findings:... Read More about A content analysis of prescription drug information in the UK print news media.

Obedience and conformity in clinical practice (2008)
Journal Article
Hollins Martin, C., & Bull, P. (2008). Obedience and conformity in clinical practice. British Journal of Midwifery, 16(8), 504-509

This study analyzes the psychological processes involved
when a midwife accepts directions from a senior person. A
representative sample of 20 midwives were recruited from
7 maternity units in North Yorkshire. An inductive thematic
analysis was u... Read More about Obedience and conformity in clinical practice.

Migrant workers in Rochdale and Oldham : Executive summary (2008)
Scullion, L., Steele, A., & Condie, J. (2008). Migrant workers in Rochdale and Oldham : Executive summary

This report provides an executive summary of a research project on the needs and experiences of Central and Eastern European migrants living and working in Rochdale and Oldham. It was commissioned by Oldham Housing Investment Partnership, Oldham Metr... Read More about Migrant workers in Rochdale and Oldham : Executive summary.

Investigating effects of mechanical properties of trans-tibial prostheses on user performance (2008)
Journal Article
Major, M., Twiste, M., Kenney, L., & Howard, D. (2008). Investigating effects of mechanical properties of trans-tibial prostheses on user performance. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(S1), 416-416.

As the design of trans-tibial prostheses has
continued to advance, this has led to a wide range
of alternative commercially available modular
components, which when assembled comprise the
trans-tibial prosthesis.

The policing of racist violence – a way forward for Northern Ireland (2008)
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. (2008, July). The policing of racist violence – a way forward for Northern Ireland. Presented at British-Irish Section of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control - Capital, Culture, Power: Criminalisation and Resistance, Liverpool, England

Given the increase in the reporting of racist incidents in Northern Ireland involving attacks against members of its black minority ethnic population, this paper focuses on the degree to which these racist incidents are successfully policed by the Po... Read More about The policing of racist violence – a way forward for Northern Ireland.

The effect of the impedance of a thin hydrogel electrode on sensation during functional electrical stimulation (2008)
Journal Article
Sha, N., Kenney, L., Heller, B., Barker, A., Howard, D., & Wang, W. (2008). The effect of the impedance of a thin hydrogel electrode on sensation during functional electrical stimulation.

Surface functional electrical stimulation results in stimulation of cutaneous receptors and discomfort. The degree of non-uniformity of current distribution in the cutaneous layers in the vicinity of the electrode may influence the sensation experien... Read More about The effect of the impedance of a thin hydrogel electrode on sensation during functional electrical stimulation.