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The problem with conversion disorder (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Ratcliffe, S. (2009, October). The problem with conversion disorder. Presented at British Association of Neuroscience Nurses Annual Conference, Salford Royal Foundation NHS Trust

The acute effects of heavy and light resistances on the flight time of a basketball push-pass during upper body complex training (2009)
Journal Article
Matthews, M., O'Conchuir, C., & Comfort, P. (2009). The acute effects of heavy and light resistances on the flight time of a basketball push-pass during upper body complex training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(7), 1988-1995.

The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effect of high-load and low-load complex training on upper-body performance—determined by the flight time of a basketball push-pass. Twelve competitive male athletes
(21.8 6 4.5 years, 82.0 6 11.7 k... Read More about The acute effects of heavy and light resistances on the flight time of a basketball push-pass during upper body complex training.

Netiquette (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Hook, A., & Bodell, S. (2009, October). Netiquette. Presented at The Student Occupational Therapy Links (Scotland), Edinburgh

Association of functional outcome with both personal- and area-level socioeconomic inequalities in patients with inflammatory polyarthritis (2009)
Journal Article
Harrison, M. J., Farragher, T. M., Clarke-Cornwell, A. M., Manning, S. C., Bunn, D. K., & Symmons, D. P. (2009). Association of functional outcome with both personal- and area-level socioeconomic inequalities in patients with inflammatory polyarthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, 61(10), 1297-1304.

To describe the relationship between baseline area- and person-level social inequalities and functional disability at 3 years in patients with early inflammatory polyarthritis (IP).

A total of 1,393 patients with new-onset IP w... Read More about Association of functional outcome with both personal- and area-level socioeconomic inequalities in patients with inflammatory polyarthritis.

Mixed up kids? Some research findings and discussions (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Patel, T. (2009, September). Mixed up kids? Some research findings and discussions. Presented at Foster Care Associates – Child Placement Training Workshop, Doncaster, England

Killing off Mickey Mouse: Open knowledge, open innovation (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Hall, M. (2009, September). Killing off Mickey Mouse: Open knowledge, open innovation. Presented at Education in a Changing Environment Conference : Critical Voices, Critical Times, University of Salford

Mickey Mouse will be eighty-one next month. The anthropomorphic mouse keeps his
eternal youth through the application of patent and copyright legislation, which ensures a
constant flow of revenues from reproduction rights. Vigilant lawyers seek out... Read More about Killing off Mickey Mouse: Open knowledge, open innovation.