Outputs (445)
Women's experiences of cervical ripening as inpatients on an antenatal ward (2015)
Journal Article
Brown, S. J., & Furber, C. M. (2015). Women's experiences of cervical ripening as inpatients on an antenatal ward. Sexual and Reproductive HealthCare, 6(4), 219-225. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.srhc.2015.06.003Objective
To gain an insight into women's lived experiences of inpatient cervical ripening, in the context of usual care, whilst they were admitted as inpatients on an antenatal ward.
A qualitative design was used guided by an interpreta... Read More about Women's experiences of cervical ripening as inpatients on an antenatal ward.
Social media: A psychology postgraduate's reflection', in: A Guide for Psychology Postgraduates: Surviving Postgraduate Study (2015)
Book Chapter
Peach, D., & Erskine-Shaw, M. (2015). Social media: A psychology postgraduate's reflection', in: A Guide for Psychology Postgraduates: Surviving Postgraduate Study. . The British Psychological Society
Interview: Constructing (and resisting) the 'good parenting' mandate (2015)
Journal Article
Peach, D., & Locke, A. (2015). Interview: Constructing (and resisting) the 'good parenting' mandate. Psychology of Women Section Review, 17(1), https://doi.org/10.53841/bpspow.2015.17.1.31Donna Peach in conversation with Dr Abigail Locke, who presented a keynote on ‘Constructing (and resisting) the ‘good parenting’ mandate’ at the POWS Annual Conference, July 2014.
We were delighted to have Abi deliver her keynote, which interrogat... Read More about Interview: Constructing (and resisting) the 'good parenting' mandate.
Changing pivoting technique reduces knee valgus moments (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Changing direction is a common action involved in non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes (Faude et al. [2005]. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 33, 1694-1700), as such actions involve lower limb postures that increase... Read More about Changing pivoting technique reduces knee valgus moments.
Youth resettlement in Southern Wales, and the Resettlement Broker project (2015)
Hazel, N., Hampson, K., & Kinsey, T. (2015). Youth resettlement in Southern Wales, and the Resettlement Broker project. CardiffThe research informing
this report included quantitative analysis of the experiences of children from Southern Wales leaving
custody (on licence from a detention and training order) between October 2012 and September
2014, 14 project questionnaire... Read More about Youth resettlement in Southern Wales, and the Resettlement Broker project.
An effective way to deal with predators is to taste terrible: Primary and secondary psychopathy and mate preference (2015)
Journal Article
Blanchard, A., Lyons, M., & Centifanti, L. (2016). An effective way to deal with predators is to taste terrible: Primary and secondary psychopathy and mate preference. Personality and Individual Differences, 92, 128-134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2015.12.024Despite their reputation for taking advantage of other people, previous research shows that psychopathic individuals are attractive for short-term relationships. Furthermore, individuals with psychopathic traits have been found to be attracted to oth... Read More about An effective way to deal with predators is to taste terrible: Primary and secondary psychopathy and mate preference.
A review of individual and institutional publication productivity in medical radiation science (2015)
Journal Article
Aims: To investigate the research impact of active medical radiation
science (MRS) researchers and the research output of MRS institutions
Methods: An iterative search strategy was used to firstly identify productive
MRS authors and... Read More about A review of individual and institutional publication productivity in medical radiation science.
Reliability of hop distance and frontal-plane dynamic knee valgus angle during single-leg horizontal hop test (2015)
Journal Article
valgus angle during single-leg horizontal hop test. Journal of Athletic Enhancement, 4(6), https://doi.org/10.4172/2324-9080.1000218Context: Single-leg hop for distance (SHD) performance and twodimensional
(2-D) video assessment of frontal-plane knee valgus,
during the single-leg landings, have been reported to identify the
risk of knee injuries such as patellofemoral pain syn... Read More about Reliability of hop distance and frontal-plane dynamic knee valgus angle during single-leg horizontal hop test.
Manual therapy student handbook : musculoskeletal assessment - part 3 (2015)
Journal Article
Hatcher, J. (2016). Manual therapy student handbook : musculoskeletal assessment - part 3. Co-kinetic, 42-45In order to treat a patient effectively, the clinician must first make an accurate assessment of the patient’s condition. This article, the third in a series from our Manual Therapy Student Handbook (see the 'Contents panel' for further details), wil... Read More about Manual therapy student handbook : musculoskeletal assessment - part 3.