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Outputs (488)

Sex differences between primary and secondary psychopathy, parental bonding, and attachment style (2016)
Journal Article
Blanchard, A., & Lyons, M. (2016). Sex differences between primary and secondary psychopathy, parental bonding, and attachment style. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 10(1), 56-63.

Sex differences in primary and secondary psychopathic traits and behaviors are consistently evidenced, although less is known about the developmental trajectories of these differences and why they might arise. In this study (N = 362) we investigated... Read More about Sex differences between primary and secondary psychopathy, parental bonding, and attachment style.

The effect of aging, obesity and diabetes on foot health and its association with current and future footwear technologies (2016)
Journal Article

Changes in foot health trends are beginning to demand significant changes to foot health provision globally, for which appropriate provision to retail and health services is key. With the right input to innovation and design, footwear can help keep u... Read More about The effect of aging, obesity and diabetes on foot health and its association with current and future footwear technologies.

A narrative review of musculoskeletal problems of the lower extremity and back associated with the interface between occupational tasks, feet, footwear and flooring (2016)
Journal Article

At least 50% of workers are exposed to the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) due to spending
prolonged hours standing at work. There is a lack of information regarding issues with the
feet, solutions to the problem, and links between MSD, fee... Read More about A narrative review of musculoskeletal problems of the lower extremity and back associated with the interface between occupational tasks, feet, footwear and flooring.

‘They look at you like an insect that wants to be squashed’ : an ethnographic account of the racialized sexual spaces of Manchester’s Gay Village (2016)
Journal Article
Held, N. (2017). ‘They look at you like an insect that wants to be squashed’ : an ethnographic account of the racialized sexual spaces of Manchester’s Gay Village. Sexualities, 20(5-6), 535-557.

This article explores the interactive relationship between sexuality, ‘race’ and space. By drawing on ethnographic research with bisexual and lesbian women, it looks at the lived experiences of the intersections of sexuality and ‘race’ in a particula... Read More about ‘They look at you like an insect that wants to be squashed’ : an ethnographic account of the racialized sexual spaces of Manchester’s Gay Village.

The use of computerised clinical decision support systems in emergency care : a substantive review of the literature (2016)
Journal Article

Objectives: This paper provides a substantive review of international literature evaluating the impact of computerised clinical decision support systems (CCDSS) on the care of emergency department (ED) patients.
Material and Methods: A literature s... Read More about The use of computerised clinical decision support systems in emergency care : a substantive review of the literature.

Examining the relationships between challenge and threat cognitive appraisals and coaching behaviours in football coaches (2016)
Journal Article
Dixon, M., Turner, M., & Gillman, J. (2016). Examining the relationships between challenge and threat cognitive appraisals and coaching behaviours in football coaches. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35(24), 2466-2452.

Previous research demonstrates that sports coaching is a stressful activity. This article investigates coaches’ challenge and threat cognitive appraisals of stressful situations and their impact on coaching behaviour, using Blascovich and Mendes’ (20... Read More about Examining the relationships between challenge and threat cognitive appraisals and coaching behaviours in football coaches.

Physical activity promotion in physiotherapy practice: A systematic scoping review of a decade of literature (2016)
Journal Article
Lowe, A., Gee, M., McLean, S., Littlewood, C., Lindsay, C., & Everett, S. (2016). Physical activity promotion in physiotherapy practice: A systematic scoping review of a decade of literature. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52, 122-127.

Background: The health benefits of physical activity (PA) have been extensively documented. Globally PA levels are low with only a small proportion of the population reaching recommended levels. Insufficient PA is seen as a major public health proble... Read More about Physical activity promotion in physiotherapy practice: A systematic scoping review of a decade of literature.

Finite element modelling of the foot for clinical application: A systematic review (2016)
Journal Article
Behforootan, S., Chatzistergos, P., Naemi, R., & Chockalingam, N. (2017). Finite element modelling of the foot for clinical application: A systematic review. Medical Engineering and Physics, 39, 1-11.

Over the last two decades finite element modelling has been widely used to give new insight on foot and footwear biomechanics. However its actual contribution for the improvement of the therapeutic outcome of different pathological conditions of the... Read More about Finite element modelling of the foot for clinical application: A systematic review.