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Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder-like traits and distractibility in the visual periphery (2016)
Journal Article
Panagiotidi, M., Overton, P., & Stafford, T. (2017). Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder-like traits and distractibility in the visual periphery. Perception, 46(6), 665-678.

We examined the performance of non-clinical subjects with high and low levels of self-reported ADHD-like traits in a novel distractibility paradigm with far peripheral visual distractors, the likely origin of many distractors in everyday life. Subjec... Read More about Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder-like traits and distractibility in the visual periphery.

Constructive alignment of a research-informed teaching activity within an undergraduate diagnostic radiography curriculum : a reflection (2016)
Journal Article

Aim: To evaluate the learning experience of a level 5 (year 2) student cohort within a research-informed teaching (RiT) activity and to map findings against learning outcomes and level descriptors using constructive alignment.

Method: An online q... Read More about Constructive alignment of a research-informed teaching activity within an undergraduate diagnostic radiography curriculum : a reflection.

Predicting the location of the hip joint centres, impact of age group and sex (2016)
Journal Article
Hara, R., McGinley, J., Briggs, C., Baker, R., & Sangeux, M. (2016). Predicting the location of the hip joint centres, impact of age group and sex. Scientific reports, 6, 37707.

Clinical gait analysis incorporating three-dimensional motion analysis plays a key role in planning surgical treatments in people with gait disability. The position of the Hip Joint Centre (HJC) within the pelvis is thus critical to ensure accurate d... Read More about Predicting the location of the hip joint centres, impact of age group and sex.

A randomised controlled feasibility trial of group cognitive behavioural therapy for people with severe asthma (2016)
Journal Article

Objectives: Evidence for the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in asthma is developing but it is not known if this translates to benefits in severe asthma or if a group approach is acceptable to this patient group.This study aimed to as... Read More about A randomised controlled feasibility trial of group cognitive behavioural therapy for people with severe asthma.