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Outputs (488)

Dementia : towards a perceptual control theory perspective (2016)
Journal Article
McEvoy, P., Eden, J., Morris, L., & Mansell, W. (2016). Dementia : towards a perceptual control theory perspective. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 17(4), 229-238.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the psychosocial experiences of people living with dementia using a perceptual control theory (PCT) perspective.

Design/methodology/approach:Conceptual paper.

Findings: The paper suggests that... Read More about Dementia : towards a perceptual control theory perspective.

Rheumatology occupational therapy-led fibromyalgia self- management education using motivational interviewing and mindfulness based cognitive therapy : a new approach (2016)
Journal Article
Prior, Y., & Walker, N. (2016). Rheumatology occupational therapy-led fibromyalgia self- management education using motivational interviewing and mindfulness based cognitive therapy : a new approach. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30(1), 8-13

Fibromyalgia is a chronic musculoskeletal pain syndrome, which significantly affects patients’ quality of life. EULAR revised recommendations for the management of Fibromyalgia suggests non-pharmacological therapies and patient education should be tr... Read More about Rheumatology occupational therapy-led fibromyalgia self- management education using motivational interviewing and mindfulness based cognitive therapy : a new approach.

A qualitative evaluation of occupational therapy-led work rehabilitation for people with inflammatory arthritis : patients’ views (2016)
Journal Article
with inflammatory arthritis : patients’ views. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 80(1), 39-48.

Introduction: This qualitative study, nested in a pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial, explored the views of working people
with inflammatory arthritis on the impact of a work rehabilitation programme received.

Method: Thirty-two part... Read More about A qualitative evaluation of occupational therapy-led work rehabilitation for people with inflammatory arthritis : patients’ views.

Static and dynamic balance deficiencies in chronic low back pain (2016)
Journal Article
Tsigkanos, C., Gaskell, L., Smirniotou, A., & Tsigkanos, G. (2016). Static and dynamic balance deficiencies in chronic low back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 29(4), 887-893.

Background: According to previously conducted studies, people with Low Back Pain (LBP) present with static balance deficiencies. Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare static, as well as dynamic balance ability between Chronic Low Bac... Read More about Static and dynamic balance deficiencies in chronic low back pain.

Neurotomy of the rectus femoris nerve : short-term effectiveness for spastic stiff knee gait (2016)
Journal Article
Gross, R., Robertson, J., Leboeuf, F., Hamel, O., Brochard, S., & Perrouin-Verbe, B. (2016). Neurotomy of the rectus femoris nerve : short-term effectiveness for spastic stiff knee gait. Gait & Posture, 52, 251-257.


Stiff knee gait is a troublesome gait disturbance related to spastic paresis, frequently associated with overactivity of the rectus femoris muscle in the swing phase of gait.


The aim of this study was to assess the sh... Read More about Neurotomy of the rectus femoris nerve : short-term effectiveness for spastic stiff knee gait.

Association of psychological variables and outcome in tendinopathy: A systematic review (2016)
Journal Article
Mallows, A., Debenham, J., Walker, T., & Littlewood, C. (2016). Association of psychological variables and outcome in tendinopathy: A systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51, 743-748.

Objective: Fear, anxiety, depression, distress and catastrophisation are all factors known to affect pain and disability levels. To date, the association of such psychological factors has yet to be established in tendinopathy. Therefore, the purpose... Read More about Association of psychological variables and outcome in tendinopathy: A systematic review.

Temporal spatial and metabolic measures of walking in highly functional individuals with lower limb amputations (2016)
Journal Article
Jarvis, H., Bennett, A., Twiste, M., Phillip, R., Etherington, J., & Baker, R. (2017). Temporal spatial and metabolic measures of walking in highly functional individuals with lower limb amputations. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(7), 1389-1399.

The aim of this descriptive exploratory study is to record the temporal spatial parameters and metabolic energy expenditure during walking of individuals with amputation, walking with advanced prostheses and following completion of compr... Read More about Temporal spatial and metabolic measures of walking in highly functional individuals with lower limb amputations.

A practical overview of how to conduct a systematic review (2016)
Journal Article
Davis, D. (2016). A practical overview of how to conduct a systematic review. Nursing Standard, 31(12), 60-71.

With an increasing focus on evidence-based practice in health care, it is important that nurses understand the principles underlying systematic reviews. Systematic reviews are used in healthcare to present a comprehensive, policy-neutral, transparent... Read More about A practical overview of how to conduct a systematic review.