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Outputs (481)

Biochemical assessment of patients following ketogenic diets for epilepsy : current practice in the UK and Ireland (2019)
Journal Article

Biochemical assessment is recommended for patients prior to initiating and following a ketogenic diet (KD). There is no published literature regarding current practice in the UK and Ireland. We aimed to explore practice in comparison with internation... Read More about Biochemical assessment of patients following ketogenic diets for epilepsy : current practice in the UK and Ireland.

Are Gypsy Roma Traveller communities indigenous and would identification as such better address their public health needs? (2019)
Journal Article
Heaslip, V., Wilson, D., & Jackson, D. (2019). Are Gypsy Roma Traveller communities indigenous and would identification as such better address their public health needs?. Public Health, 176, 43-49.

Across Europe, large numbers of Gypsy Roma Traveller communities experience significant health inequities such as higher morbidity, mortality and infant mortality. This health inequity is perpetuated by wider determinants such as a lowe... Read More about Are Gypsy Roma Traveller communities indigenous and would identification as such better address their public health needs?.

Contribution of eccentric strength to cutting performance in female soccer players (2019)
Journal Article
Jones, P., Dos'Santos, T., McMahon, J., & Graham-Smith, P. (2019). Contribution of eccentric strength to cutting performance in female soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,

The aim of this study was to examine the contribution of eccentric strength to performance of a 70-90° cutting task (CUT) (time to complete: 5 m approach, 70-90° cut, 3 m exit). Nineteen female soccer players (mean ± SD age, height and mass; 21.6 ± 4... Read More about Contribution of eccentric strength to cutting performance in female soccer players.

Emotional transitions? Exploring the student experience of entering higher education in a widening-participation HE-in-FE setting (2019)
Journal Article
Young, E., Thompson, R., Sharp, J., & Bosmans, D. (2020). Emotional transitions? Exploring the student experience of entering higher education in a widening-participation HE-in-FE setting. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44(10), 1349-1363.

This paper details a small-scale research project that explores the student transition into higher education (HE), delivered in a further education college (FE), and considers whether the requirements of transition at this level impacts on emotional... Read More about Emotional transitions? Exploring the student experience of entering higher education in a widening-participation HE-in-FE setting.

Cardiologists' and patients' views about the informed consent process and their understanding of the anticipated treatment benefits of coronary angioplasty : a survey study (2019)
Journal Article

Background: Percutaneous coronary intervention is a common revascularisation technique. Serious complications
are uncommon, but death is one of them. Seeking informed consent in advance of percutaneous coronary intervention
is mandatory. Research s... Read More about Cardiologists' and patients' views about the informed consent process and their understanding of the anticipated treatment benefits of coronary angioplasty : a survey study.

Radicalisation (2019)
Book Chapter

In the political context, the term radical has been applied to a wide range of figures. Both Jeremy Corbyn and Nigel Farage could be considered radical in the sense that that they are campaigning for a society based on a different set of political an... Read More about Radicalisation.