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Outputs (481)

Comparison of countermovement jump–derived reactive strength index modified and underpinning force-time variables between super league and championship rugby league players (2019)
Journal Article
McMahon, J., Jones, P., & Comfort, P. (2019). Comparison of countermovement jump–derived reactive strength index modified and underpinning force-time variables between super league and championship rugby league players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,

The countermovement jump (CMJ) is regularly tested in rugby league (RL), with recent work reporting reactive strength index modified (RSImod) to distinguish between levels of play. Differences in CMJ-derived RSImod and underpinning force-time variabl... Read More about Comparison of countermovement jump–derived reactive strength index modified and underpinning force-time variables between super league and championship rugby league players.

Corrections to : The effect of Nordic hamstring exercise intervention volume on eccentric strength and muscle architecture adaptations : a systematic review and meta-analyses (2019)
Journal Article
Cuthbert, M., Ripley, N., McMahon, J., Evans, M., Haff, G., & Comfort, P. (2020). Corrections to : The effect of Nordic hamstring exercise intervention volume on eccentric strength and muscle architecture adaptations : a systematic review and meta-analyses. Sports Medicine, 50(1), 101-102.

Correction to: Sports Medicine

“I need somebody who knows about feet” a qualitative study investigating the lived experiences of conservative treatment for patients with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (2019)
Journal Article
Campbell, R., Morriss-Roberts, C., Durrant, B., & Cahill, S. (2019). “I need somebody who knows about feet” a qualitative study investigating the lived experiences of conservative treatment for patients with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 12(1), 51.

Background: Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction is a disabling, chronic, progressive tendon condition that detrimentally affects foot, ankle and lower limb function. Research suggests that posterior tibial tendon dysfunction is poorly recognised and... Read More about “I need somebody who knows about feet” a qualitative study investigating the lived experiences of conservative treatment for patients with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction.

The use of the gait profile score and gait variable score in individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (2019)
Journal Article
Angélica de Souza, M., Cezarani, A., Aparecida da Silva Lizzi, E., Barroso de Queiroz Davoli, G., Márcia Mattiello, S., Jones, R., & Cláudia Mattiello-Sverzut, A. (2020). The use of the gait profile score and gait variable score in individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Journal of Biomechanics, 98, 109485.

Therapeutic gait interventions for individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) should be based on understanding how movement of the individual is affected and whether different clusters of individuals, determined by clinical severity, differ.... Read More about The use of the gait profile score and gait variable score in individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

The reliability of an Achilles tendon infrared image analysis method (2019)
Journal Article
Herrington, L., Oliver, B., Munro, A., & Gerald, S. (2019). The reliability of an Achilles tendon infrared image analysis method. Thermology international, 29(4), 136-145

INTRODUCTION: Prior to utilising smartphone-based thermal imaging for clinical assessment of the Achilles tendon, the intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of the method of analysis must be established, with associated standard error of measurement... Read More about The reliability of an Achilles tendon infrared image analysis method.

Interpreting ‘living law’ amongst Muslim women in the UK (2019)
Khan, A. Interpreting ‘living law’ amongst Muslim women in the UK. (Thesis). University of Salford

The main objective of this thesis is to capture, describe, understand and articulate the ways in which Muslim women view and interpret crime, deviance and moral dilemmas in contemporary society. This study will evaluate the contrasts and overlaps bet... Read More about Interpreting ‘living law’ amongst Muslim women in the UK.