F Alasali
Highly Fast Innovative Overcurrent Protection Scheme for Microgrid Using Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms and Nonstandard Tripping Characteristics
Alasali, F; Zarour, E; Holderbaum, W; Nusair, KN
The incorporation of renewable energy microgrids brings along several new protection coordination challenges due to the new and stochastic behaviour of power flow and fault currents distribution. An optimal coordination scheme is a potential solution to develop an efficient protection system to handle the microgrid protection challenges. In this paper, new optimal Over Current (OC) relays coordination schemes have been developed using nonstandard tripping characteristics for a power network connected to renewable energy resources. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) microgrid and IEEE-9 bus systems have been used as benchmark networks to test and evaluate the coordination schemes. The proposed OC relays coordination approach delivers a fast and more reliable performance under different OC faults scenarios compared to traditional approaches. In addition, to improve and evaluate the performance of the proposed coordination approach, four modern and novel metaheuristic optimization algorithms are developed and employed to solve the OC relay coordination problem, namely: Modified Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO), Teaching Learning (TL), Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) and Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm (MFO). In this paper, the modern metaheuristic algorithms have been employed to handle the impact of renewable energy on the grid, and enhance the sensitivity and selectivity of the protection system. The test cases, consider the impact of integrating the different levels of renewable energy resources (with a capacity increment of 25% and 50%) in the microgrid on the OC relays protection performance by using nonstandard and standard tripping characteristics. In addition, a comparison analysis for the modern metaheuristic algorithms with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm as a common and standard technique in solving coordination problems under different fault scenarios considering also the higher impedance faults are introduced. The results in all cases showed that the proposed optimal nonstandard approach successfully reduced the overall tripping time and improve the performance of the protection system in terms of sensitivity and selectivity.
Alasali, F., Zarour, E., Holderbaum, W., & Nusair, K. (2022). Highly Fast Innovative Overcurrent Protection Scheme for Microgrid Using Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms and Nonstandard Tripping Characteristics. IEEE Access, 10, https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3168158
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Apr 13, 2022 |
Publication Date | Apr 18, 2022 |
Deposit Date | Jun 13, 2022 |
Publicly Available Date | Jun 13, 2022 |
Journal | IEEE Access |
Publisher | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
Volume | 10 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3168158 |
Publisher URL | https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3168158 |
Additional Information | Funders : Renewable Energy Center, The Hashemite University |
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