T Wallace
A study of 3D CAD and implications for training and skills in the fashion industry
Wallace, T
R Cooper
P Sterry
This study was motivated by the need to understand how 3D CAD systems might
impact on the designer and the fashion design process. Current descriptions of the
industry indicated that new strategies were necessary to survive globalisation,
technological change and the unprecedented demand for fashion products; and
emphasised the significance of fashion design education to supply designers with new
design skills. The main issue for UK mass-produced fashion appeared to be how to
achieve faster design-to-market products within a global industry. Accounts
acknowledged the impact of 3D CAD for garment virtual modelling, masscustomisation,
garment fit and virtual try-on for retailing, but little has been written
about how fashion designers are reacting to, or using new technology.
Case studies were an effective methodology in which to gauge the extent to which
CAD is used in the fashion design process and to examine the impact of CAD on
fashion design competencies. Interviews were undertaken with leading designers and
CAD companies to determine personal experience of 3D technology to ascertain new
systems development, functionality and quality. The results of the comparative analysis
of longitudinal case studies identified the design process exploits the designer's use of
2D CAD as a key creative design tool to speed up design and communication.
Conclusions emerging from this study indicate that the value of 3D CAD for fashion
design is dependent on the many variables influenced by economic and technological
factors, and skills and training issues. The future implementation of 3D technology
points towards the need for a new tier of skilled 3D CAD designer to produce virtual
simulations that both assist creativity and facilitate speed within the design process.
The general implications of the research findings are discussed in relation to eight
recommendations for skills and training issues for fashion design education and the
fashion industry, and proposals made for future research.
Thesis Type | Thesis |
Deposit Date | Aug 19, 2021 |
Award Date | Jan 1, 2008 |
This file is under embargo due to copyright reasons.
Contact Library-ThesesRequest@salford.ac.uk to request a copy for personal use.
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