DEL Marriss
Self and identity processes in higher education staff development
Marriss, DEL
I Grugulis
This thesis describes four inter-related studies that, together, explore aspects
of self and identity in relation to staff development in higher education (HE).
Staff development in higher education is reviewed with particular reference to
one of the newest and fastest growing subjects, nursing. Approaches to the
exploration, understanding and measurement of self and identity are
reviewed, culminating in an exposition of a comprehensive synthesising
approach known as Identity Structure Analysis and its associated measuring
tool Identity Exploration.
Semi-structured interviews were carried out with a small sample of lecturers
and managers to identify key concepts and issues regarding staff
development. The results of these interviews were then used to develop a
unique attitude inventory, the Marriss Attitude to Staff Development in Higher
Education Inventory (MASDHE), which was administered to a selected
sample of lecturers in nursing in six institutions and, more widely, through an
open access internet portal.
The results of the interviews together with elements and constructs derived
from the literature were used to develop a customised Identity Exploration
Instrument (IDEX 1) drawing on the theories and methods of Identity
Structure Analysis (ISA).
This instrument together with the MASDHE and a biographic information
sheet were then administered to a sample of 96 participants, all lecturers in
nursing in six contrasted Higher Education institutions. The ISA results of this
survey allowed for group comparisons using the IDEX software employing
variables based on gender, seniority, educational qualifications, and
positive/negative attitudes. In the second study a refined IDEX instrument
(IDEX 2) was administered idiographically to six participants, together with
the attitude inventory, to enable in-depth case studies relating biographical
material to identity variables and attitudes.
The results of the survey indicate that differences in identity structures and
processes are not significantly related to gender or attitudes to staff
development, but display certain homogeneity across the nursing group that
made up the sample. The two idiographic case studies were selected to
present interestingly different profiles: a self-oriented and vulnerable identity
profile contrasting with an other-oriented less vulnerable profile. The
implications of the identity structure and development profiles for staff
development are considered.
Overall the thesis has explored identity in relation to staff development in four
main ways, giving insights into identity formulations in relation to perceptions
and aspirations both idiographically and nomothetically. The study has
developed a standardised attitude inventory and in-depth identity exploration
tools which may be useful in the conduct of staff development and in further
Thesis Type | Thesis |
Deposit Date | Aug 18, 2021 |
Award Date | Nov 1, 2007 |
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