MSM Malaheem
The effects of prosthetic alignment on gait biomechanics
Malaheem, MSM
In clinical settings, trans-tibial prosthetic alignment is a primarily subjective procedure
that is based on: the clinical experience and judgment of prosthetists; and amputee
feedback regarding comfort, stability and performance, which can be unreliable. This
highlights the need for a more objective understanding of prosthetic alignment which
would lead to better guidance and tools for prosthetists to assess and modify prosthetic
alignment; thus facilitating comfortable ambulation, aesthetic gait appearance, and low
energy cost of walking for amputees 7 ' 16 ' 25 .
Previous research studies have the advantage of presenting objective and quantitative
knowledge which cannot be obtained from subjective observations. However, most of
these studies have only considered the relationships between fairly limited sets of
biomechanical characteristics and prosthetic alignment settings. Furthermore, amputee
comfort has not usually been addressed within the same studies. Therefore, the study
reported in this thesis considers the effects of alignment changes on both biomechanical
measures and comfort. The goals of the study were: 1) to investigate the effects of
alignment changes on the kinematics and kinetics of trans-tibial amputee gait; and 2) to
assess the feasibility of a new objective approach for predicting amputee comfort by
measuring both the forces and moments at the socket/pylon interface using inverse
dynamics calculations based on captured kinematic and kinetic data.
Because this pilot study involved only one subject, the findings should be treated with
caution. However, it is possible to make tentative conclusions with regard to possible
objective alignment criteria. For example, based on the results, socket flexion versus
extension appears to involve a trade-off between: a) achieving foot flat effectively
whilst maintaining a good first GRF peak (not too extended); b) providing sufficient
dorsi-flexion resistance during single stance (not too flexed); c) providing sufficient
push-off (not too flexed); and d) avoiding pelvis obliquity (not too extended).
Interestingly, it appears possible to make these judgments with just a force-plate and a
coronal plane observation of obliquity.
Thesis Type | Dissertation |
Deposit Date | Aug 18, 2021 |
Award Date | Apr 1, 2010 |
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