GO Jones
Dooyeweerdian philosophy, knowledge-based systems, and sustainability
Jones, GO
A Basden A.Basden@salford.ac.uk
This thesis explores using Dooyeweerdian philosophy as a foundation for
constructing knowledge-based system (KBS) in complex, ill-structured and
human intensive domains.
Dooyeweerd's transcendental philosophy is a relatively recent phenomenon in
the medium of the English language, and has only recently been considered in
relation to knowledge-based systems and sustainability. Consequently, this
thesis has little background research to draw upon and serves as a prolegomena
a 'first-word' on the subject matter.
This philosophy was tested and researched in a 'real-life' action context.
Working with the Senior Planning Consultant of an English Borough Council,
eight KBS developmental challenges were approach from a Dooyeweerdian
perspective and nine prototype KBS developed. Whilst the data recorded during
this study is not as detailed as it would be for case study, and its generalizations
more reserved, theory was tested in the crucible of the 'real-world', knowledge
immediately applied, a diversity of issues tackled over a relatively short period
and multiple opportunities identified for further research.
The result of this application was the discovery that Dooyeweerdian philosophy
provided profound theoretical insight into a diversity of KBS challenges and
clear practicable guidance for their effective realization. This insight and
guidance transcends that of conventional KBS approaches, addresses some of
the fundamental challenges in KBS research and development and supports the
theory that Dooyeweerdian philosophy might provide a practical and theoretical
foundation sufficient to guide the whole process of KBS construction and
development in complex, ill-structured and human intensive domains.
Jones, G. Dooyeweerdian philosophy, knowledge-based systems, and sustainability. (Thesis). University of Salford
Thesis Type | Thesis |
Deposit Date | Aug 18, 2021 |
Additional Information | Funders : Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Award Date | Apr 1, 2007 |
This file is under embargo due to copyright reasons.
Contact Library-ThesesRequest@salford.ac.uk to request a copy for personal use.
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