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Factors affecting the Strategic Planning Process : case studies from Libyan public manufacturing companies

El-Baruni, KMY


KMY El-Baruni


JM Sharp


Little research has been conducted in the area of Strategic Planning Processes (SPPs) in
western contexts and especially in public organisations. Although such organisations
differ significantly from business companies, their need for improved 'operability' is
the same and since their difference in character means it is not possible to generalise
from what literature exists, in-depth research is required in this connection. Moreover,
existing research on strategic planning systems has focused more on the
implementation-related factors affecting strategic plans, with little attention being paid
to processes-related factors affecting the strategic planning in the development stages.
This is particularly true and of great importance in developing countries, where
managerial education and business practices are still in their infancy when compared to
developed economies. This study involves the identification and investigation of SPPs-
Related factors in the Libyan public manufacturing context. In order to achieve the
research aim and objectives, a theoretical framework is first developed, reflecting a
critical synthesis of the available literature. The theoretical framework subsequently
informs an empirical investigation of the relevant factors in the Libyan environment.
A qualitative case study strategy (involving two cases) is used in order to gain insight
into the appropriateness of the framework and any necessary amendments that would
reflect the situation under investigation. The semi-structured interview is the main
instrument used for data collection purposes. Internal and external triangulation
methodology is employed to increase the validity of the results, which indicate an
explicit linkage between the various factors studied and the main phases of strategic
plans' formulation. Moreover, unique factors in different areas within the SPPs are
identified. Consequently, the initial theoretical framework is revised to reflect the
findings from the case studies. The framework comprises six sets of factors (Resource
assessment-related factors, Organisational-related factors, Structural-related factors,
Cultural-related factors, Socio-political-related factors, and Economical-related factors)
affecting the processes of setting strategic plans and the way these are linked to the
main SPPs phases. In addition to the theoretical contribution of this thesis, it is
envisaged that future SPPs design, evaluation, and implementation in the Libyan public
manufacturing sector can draw upon and learn from the findings of this research, which
represent a freshly-invented approach to strategic planning "An Integrated Approach to
Strategic Planning".


El-Baruni, K. Factors affecting the Strategic Planning Process : case studies from Libyan public manufacturing companies. (Thesis). University of Salford

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Aug 17, 2021
Award Date Oct 1, 2008

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