I Avila
The age of maps : cartography, imperialism and nationalism in Great Britain and France, 1870-1914
Avila, I
How are maps used in a specific country at a given time? In this thesis, I argue that maps
should be given greater prominence in historical analysis because they give us a fresh outlook on the
past by informing us about representations of the world. To prove this point, I explore the links
between cartography, imperialism and nationalism in Great Britain and France between 1870 and
1914. I provide an original view of the turn of the twentieth century by articulating three different
approaches: a cartographic one, a comparative one and a panoramic one (due to the variety of the
published materials analyzed from geographical journals to atlases, text-books and newspapers).
From this history of cartographic thinking, three things emerge. First, British and French
geographers converted maps into scientific and political symbols in order to underline the need to
study geography from 1870-71 in France and from 1884 in Britain. Second, they disseminated these
symbols and a new cartographic mode of thinking about the world to a wide audience thanks to new
printing devices and the spread of education with the hope of forming citizens. Finally, they were able
to use maps of empire more specifically to promote nationalism.
My conclusion is two-fold. First, the comparative nature of the study reveals a process of
imitation between the two nations in exploration, imperialism, geography teaching and the contents of
their maps. Second, the use of maps became so important between 1870 and 1914 because the two
countries faced periods of doubts linked to an economic depression, international rivalries, the
scramble for colonies, the Franco-Prussian War and the Boer War.
Thesis Type | Thesis |
Deposit Date | Jul 29, 2021 |
Additional Information | Access Information : Please note that the text of this thesis is written in French. |
Award Date | Jun 2, 2012 |
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