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Managerial perspectives of creating a sustainable workplace for employees : a case of the textile industry of Pakistan

Khan, A


A Khan


S Kane

M McEachern


At the beginning of the twenty first century, there was an ongoing debate concerning the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in achieving QWL and sustainable competitive advantage (SCA). While external stakeholders required corporations to balance economic, social and environmental dimensions, research indicated a considerable gap about lack of research in the textile sector of Pakistan. The specific problem that was addressed in this study is how CSR initiatives can be used to contribute to make textile firms of Pakistan sustainable workplace and gain competitive advantage.
The researcher fulfilled the gap by employing four research methods. Researcher used two focus groups with six participants, 18 qualitative semi structured interviews and action research by working with the textile firms to get deeper insight about the research issue.
The study findings clearly indicated that the strategic approach to CSR and offering QWL to make workplace sustainable can help textile firms to gain competitive advantage. These findings can help future researchers to investigate the issues of CSR deeper. This research also helps business organisation to structure and implement sustainable goals better.
Keywords: Sustainable development, Sustainability, Quality of work life, international standards.


Khan, A. Managerial perspectives of creating a sustainable workplace for employees : a case of the textile industry of Pakistan. (Dissertation). University of Salford

Thesis Type Dissertation
Deposit Date Aug 11, 2021
Publicly Available Date Aug 11, 2021
Award Date Jan 1, 2021


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