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Critiquing neo-colonial conceptions of ‘vulnerability’ through Kaona in Mary Kawena Pūku’i’s “The Pounded Water of Kekela”

Barnes, EM

Critiquing neo-colonial conceptions of ‘vulnerability’ through Kaona in Mary Kawena Pūku’i’s “The Pounded Water of Kekela” Thumbnail



Recent scholarship outlines in no uncertain terms that the Pacific Island regions are already experiencing the effects of climate change (George 113; Bryant-Tokalau 3; Showalter, Lόpez-Carr and Ervin 50; McLeod et al, 5). It is Indigenous women in the Pacific Islands that experience the effects of climate change most acutely, however, due to the socio-economic conditions that colonialism has produced. Due to these conditions, Pacific Island women are categorised as vulnerable (McLeod et al. “Raising Voices” 180; Aipira, Kidd and Morioka 227). In this paper, I argue that the colonial structures that produce these conditions of ‘vulnerability’ are the same conditions that prevent the voices of Pacific Island women from being heard within climate change strategies. I make the case that ‘vulnerability’ has now been co-opted to suit a neo-colonist agenda that maintains imperialist, capitalist and patriarchal modes of control within climate change responses.
To intervene in these discourses of ‘vulnerability’, this article provides the first literary analysis of Mary Kawena Pūku’i’s Hawaiian mo’olelo or story “The Pounded Water of Kekela” to demonstrate how Pacific Island women and epistemologies are central to mitigating and responding to drought. By examining how Pūku’i deploys kaona, or metaphor, in her drought narrative, this paper demonstrates how the navigation and combatting of environmental disaster is constructed as female and as expressions of mana wahine, or “feminine spiritual power” (McDougall 27). Through using Hawaiian epistemologies to analyse Pūku’i’s representations of powerful women, I emphasise how Hawaiian mo’olelo undermine neo-colonial constructions of ‘vulnerability’ and foreground the centrality of Indigenous knowledges in responding to climate change.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date May 10, 2022
Deposit Date Jul 28, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jun 13, 2022
Journal Transmotion
Electronic ISSN 2059-0911
Publisher University of Kent
Volume 8
Issue 1
Pages 98-128
Publisher URL


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