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Immersive captioning : developing a framework
for evaluating user needs

Hughes, CJ; Zapata, MB; Johnston, M; Orero, P

Immersive captioning : developing a framework
for evaluating user needs Thumbnail


MB Zapata

M Johnston

P Orero


This article focuses on captioning for immersive
environments and the research aims to identify how to display
them for an optimal viewing experience. This work began four
years ago with some partial findings. This second stage of
research, built from the lessons learnt, focuses on the design
requirements cornerstone: prototyping. A tool has been
developed towards quick and realistic prototyping and testing.
The framework integrates methods used in existing solutions.
Given how easy it is to contrast and compare, the need to further
the first framework was obvious. A second improved solution
was developed, almost as a showcase on how ideas can quickly
be implemented for user testing. After an overview on captions
in immersive environments, the article describes its
implementation, based on web technologies opening for any
device with a web browser. This includes desktop computers,
mobile devices and head mounted displays. The article finishes
with a description of the new caption modes leading to improved
methods, hoping to be a useful tool towards testing and


for evaluating user needs. Presented at IEEE AIVR 2020 : 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality 2020, Online

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name IEEE AIVR 2020 : 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality 2020
Conference Location Online
End Date Dec 18, 2020
Acceptance Date Sep 29, 2020
Publication Date Dec 18, 2020
Deposit Date Oct 20, 2020
Publicly Available Date Jan 6, 2021
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Additional Information Access Information : © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
Event Type : Conference


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