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Performing interventions : creative spatial interruptions

Vivian, PF



L Campbell


This chapter shares the practice and objectives of the second project component of the Contemporary Exhibition Practice unit for second-year students of the BA Fine Art at the University for the Creative Arts, an arts, business and design University with campuses across Kent and Surrey, U.K. The BA Fine Art is an interdisciplinary Fine Art programme incorporating practice, theory, and curation. The Contemporary Exhibition Practice unit was developed in 2016 to embed curation as praxis within the curriculum. The unit was a response to both contemporary and historical critically informed performance intervention projects where the conditions of space are either disrupted or revealed. During the unit, students reflect upon mass-societal and political forms of disruptive interruption such as Occupy, MoveOn where dissent or subversion are employed. Considering the writings of Paulo Freire and Augusto Boal students are asked to explore the role of art as a change agent whether political or societal. Exposed to performance as practice, dramaturgy, territorialisation, psychogeography, gesture and philosophical ideas surrounding notions of ‘event’, students are to then actively engage these issues within live projects whilst collaborating with practitioners engaged in the context of art as a public interruption.

Publication Date Jan 14, 2020
Deposit Date Oct 8, 2020
Series Title Leap into Action
Book Title Leap into Action Companion - Critical Performative Pedagogies in Art and Design
ISBN 9781433166440-(hardback);-9781433166464-(ebook)
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Funders : University of the Arts London;Perter Lang Publishing

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