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Micropolar pulsatile blood flow conveying nanoparticles in a stenotic tapered artery : non-Newtonian pharmacodynamic simulation

Vasu, B; Dubey, A; Beg, OA; Gorla, RSR

Micropolar pulsatile blood flow conveying nanoparticles in a stenotic tapered artery : non-Newtonian pharmacodynamic simulation Thumbnail


B Vasu

A Dubey

RSR Gorla


Two-dimensional rheological laminar hemodynamics through a diseased tapered artery with a
mild stenosis present is simulated theoretically and computationally. The effect of different
metallic nanoparticles homogeneously suspended in the blood is considered, motivated by drug
delivery (pharmacology) applications. The Eringen micropolar model has been deployed for
hemorheological characteristics in the whole arterial region. The conservation equations for
mass, linear momentum, angular momentum (micro-rotation), and energy and nanoparticle
species are normalized by employing suitable non-dimensional variables. The transformed
equations are solved numerically subject to physically appropriate boundary conditions using
the finite element method with the variational formulation scheme available in the FreeFEM++
code. A good correlation is achieved between the FreeFEM++ computations and existing
results. The effect of selected parameters (taper angle, Prandtl number, Womersley parameter,
pulsatile constants, and volumetric concentration) on velocity, temperature, and microrotational (Eringen angular) velocity has been calculated for a stenosed arterial segment. Wall
shear stress, volumetric flow rate, and hemodynamic impedance of blood flow are also
computed. Colour contours and graphs are employed to visualize the simulated blood flow
characteristics. It is observed that by increasing Prandtl number (Pr), the micro-rotational
velocity decreases i.e., microelement (blood cell) spin is suppressed. Wall shear stress
decreases with the increment in pulsatile parameters (B and e), whereas linear velocity
increases with a decrement in these parameters. Furthermore, the velocity decreases in the
tapered region with elevation in the Womersley parameter (α). The simulations are relevant to
transport phenomena in pharmacology and nano-drug targeted delivery in hematology.


Vasu, B., Dubey, A., Beg, O., & Gorla, R. (2020). Micropolar pulsatile blood flow conveying nanoparticles in a stenotic tapered artery : non-Newtonian pharmacodynamic simulation. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 126, 104025.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 28, 2020
Online Publication Date Oct 2, 2020
Publication Date Nov 1, 2020
Deposit Date Sep 28, 2020
Publicly Available Date Oct 2, 2021
Journal Computers in Biology and Medicine
Print ISSN 0010-4825
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 126
Pages 104025
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Projects : Micromorphic nano-pharmacodynamic simulation


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