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Chapter 23 : Rheumatoid arthritis

Hammond, A; Jeffreson, P


P Jeffreson


A Turner

M Foster

SE Johnson


The major concerns of people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are frustration in performing everyday activities, fears about disability and dependency on others, pain and loss of self-esteem. RA is a chronic, progressive inflammatory disease primarily affecting joints, characterised by pain and fatigue. People can experience multiple joint and other systemic effects for decades. The disease course is extremely variable between individuals and psychological status and social support affect its progress. This chapter discusses the biopsychosocial impact of rheumatoid arthritis, the rheumatology team, aims of treatment, occupational therapy assessment and interventions and the evidence for these.

Publication Date Jan 15, 2002
Deposit Date Aug 26, 2020
Book Title Occupational Therapy and Physical Dysfunction: principles, skills and practice (Fifth edition)
ISBN 9780443062247
Publisher URL