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Thioalbamide, a thioamidated peptide from amycolatopsis alba, affects tumor growth and stemness by inducing metabolic dysfunction and oxidative stress

Frattaruolo, L; Fiorillo, M; Brindisi, M; Curcio, R; Dolce, V; Lacret, R; Truman, AW; Sotgia, F; Lisanti, MP; Cappello, AR

Thioalbamide, a thioamidated peptide from amycolatopsis alba, affects tumor growth and stemness by inducing metabolic dysfunction and oxidative stress Thumbnail


L Frattaruolo

M Fiorillo

M Brindisi

R Curcio

V Dolce

R Lacret

AW Truman

MP Lisanti

AR Cappello


Thioalbamide, a thioamidated peptide biosynthesized by Amycolatopsis alba, is a thioviridamide-like molecule, and is part of a family of natural products representing a focus of biotechnological and pharmaceutical research in recent years due to their potent anti-proliferative and cytotoxic activities on malignant cells. Despite the high antitumor potential observed at nanomolar concentrations, the mechanisms underlying thioalbamide activity are still not known. In this work, the cellular effects induced by thioalbamide treatment on breast cancer cell lines were evaluated for the first time, highlighting the ability of this microbial natural peptide to induce mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and apoptotic cell death. Furthermore, we demonstrate that thioalbamide can inhibit the propagation of cancer stem-like cells, which are strongly dependent on mitochondrial function and are responsible for chemotherapy resistance, metastasis, and tumor recurrence.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 7, 2019
Publication Date Nov 8, 2019
Deposit Date Nov 11, 2019
Publicly Available Date Nov 11, 2019
Journal Cells
Electronic ISSN 2073-4409
Publisher MDPI
Volume 8
Issue 11
Pages e1408
Keywords thioviridamide-like molecules, RiPPs, natural products, anticancer agent, cancer stem cells
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Additional Information Additional Information : ** From MDPI via Jisc Publications Router ** Licence for this article: **Journal IDs: eissn 2073-4409 **History: published 08-11-2019; accepted 07-11-2019


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