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Moving towards self-actualization : a trauma-informed and needs-focused approach to the mental health needs of survivors of commercial child sexual exploitation

Laser-Maira, JA; Peach, DM; Hounmenou, CE

Moving towards self-actualization :  a trauma-informed and needs-focused approach to the mental health needs of survivors of commercial child sexual exploitation Thumbnail


JA Laser-Maira

CE Hounmenou


There is increasing evidence that children who are subject to commercial child sexual exploitation (CCSE) are likely to experience complex mental health needs. Failure to address the trauma experienced by victims of CCSE can lead to suicide attempts, self-harm, and long-term mental health needs (Powell, Asbill, Louis, & Stoklosa, 2018). A ‘trauma-informed’ approach (TIA) creates a responsive environment that improves the motivation of victims of CCSE to seek treatment and service providers to address unmet needs. Merging Maslow’s (1943) hierarchy of needs with a TIA approach provides a comprehensive framework to assess the service requirements necessary to meet CCSE survivors’ needs. Particularly, when Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model is coupled with contemporary extensions, which address our greater understanding of the neurological impact of abuse on physiological well-being greater resilience can be created. Additionally, a TIA instigates a shift from victims of CCSE being viewed as damaged, to an understanding of the impact abusive experiences have had on their development. That approach permits them and others to perceive their “survivorhood” and develop their capacity to achieve self-actualization. This paper critically examines what is constituted as best practice in trauma-informed mental health service delivery to not only meet needs but to support CCSE survivors’ attainment of self-actualization.


Laser-Maira, J., Peach, D., & Hounmenou, C. (2019). Moving towards self-actualization : a trauma-informed and needs-focused approach to the mental health needs of survivors of commercial child sexual exploitation. International Journal of Social Work, 6(2), 27.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 10, 2019
Online Publication Date Sep 12, 2019
Publication Date Sep 12, 2019
Deposit Date Sep 18, 2019
Publicly Available Date Sep 18, 2019
Journal International Journal of Social Work
Electronic ISSN 2332-7278
Publisher Macrothink Institute
Volume 6
Issue 2
Pages 27
Publisher URL


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