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Barriers and Facilitators to Older Women's Workplace Well-being: a qualitative analysis (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Edge, C. (2024, April). Barriers and Facilitators to Older Women's Workplace Well-being: a qualitative analysis. Presented at Sustainable HRM - an International Perspective, Warsaw, Poland and Online

Evidence suggests life stress accumulation over the life course disproportionately negatively impacts wellbeing, cognition and health in ageing women. Women across the life course across Europe have been shown to have more diverse and less regular e... Read More about Barriers and Facilitators to Older Women's Workplace Well-being: a qualitative analysis.

The Application of the Path to Intended Violence Model and the TRAP-18 in the Case of the Christchurch Mosque Shooter (2024)
Journal Article
Allely, C., Wicks, S., & McLaren, S. (2024). The Application of the Path to Intended Violence Model and the TRAP-18 in the Case of the Christchurch Mosque Shooter. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 11(1), 32–47.

Objectives and Method: In this case analysis, we applied the Path to Intended Violence model (PTIV) and the Terrorist Radicalization Assessment Protocol (TRAP-18) in order to study the 28-year-old shooter (herein referred to as BT) who perpetrated tw... Read More about The Application of the Path to Intended Violence Model and the TRAP-18 in the Case of the Christchurch Mosque Shooter.

Ditch Age Assessments: Children Seeking Asylum and Refuge in the UK (2023)
Rowland, A., Enver, S., Elizabeth, C., Fussey, E., Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, & Council, R. (2023). Ditch Age Assessments: Children Seeking Asylum and Refuge in the UK

The Home Office’s latest age assessment measures, announced in September 2023, will allow the use of scientific age assessment methods to estimate the age of children arriving in the UK. This would subject them to medical procedures that leading paed... Read More about Ditch Age Assessments: Children Seeking Asylum and Refuge in the UK.

Response To Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse Consultation (Two) - November 2023 (2023)
Rowland, A., Fussey, E., & College of Paediatrics and Child Health, R. (2023). Response To Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse Consultation (Two) - November 2023. London: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

In November 2023, we responded to the Government's consultation on the introduction of Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse. This followed our response in August 2023 to the Government's call for evidence on Mandatory Reporting. We were disappoi... Read More about Response To Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse Consultation (Two) - November 2023.

Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence (2023)
Book Chapter
Scullion, L., Beck, D., Jones, K., Connors, C., Martin, P., Gibbons, A., & Hynes, C. (2023). Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence. In C. Moraes, M. McEachern, & D. O'Loughlin (Eds.), Researching Poverty and Austerity: Theoretical Approaches, Methodologies and Policy Applications. Routledge

In this chapter, we contribute to debates about how social science research can influence policy and practice. We draw upon our own experiences as social policy researchers whose work focuses on poverty and social security to provide case studies of... Read More about Influencing policy and practice through social science research evidence.

RCPCH: Child protection standing committee update November 2023 (2023)
Rowland, A., Fussey, E., & Raffeeq, Z. (2023). RCPCH: Child protection standing committee update November 2023. London: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Our knowledge
Changes to consent guidance for Child Protection medicals: We have strengthened our guidance on obtaining consent for Child Protection medicals. This will be uploaded to the child protection companion shortly.

Guidelines for Initia... Read More about RCPCH: Child protection standing committee update November 2023.

A Mixed Methods Study Investigating Mortality and Morbidity Associated with Urinary Incontinence During Older Womens Secondary Care Admissions and Exploring Nurses Experiences of Delivering Related Care (U-INconti)- a research protocol (2023)
Journal Article
Iles-Smith, H., & McMillan, I. (2023). A Mixed Methods Study Investigating Mortality and Morbidity Associated with Urinary Incontinence During Older Womens Secondary Care Admissions and Exploring Nurses Experiences of Delivering Related Care (U-INconti)- a research protocol. BMJ Open, 13,

Urinary incontinence (UI) is associated with increasing age and is more frequently experienced by women. Despite 40% prevalence in the community, little is known about the prevalence/incidence of UI in older women during hospital admiss... Read More about A Mixed Methods Study Investigating Mortality and Morbidity Associated with Urinary Incontinence During Older Womens Secondary Care Admissions and Exploring Nurses Experiences of Delivering Related Care (U-INconti)- a research protocol.

Four day working week, employee wellbeing and mental health (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Kamerāde, D., Burchell, B., Frayne, D., Bridson Hubbard, N., & White, J. (2023, October). Four day working week, employee wellbeing and mental health. Presented at Psychology Days, Riga, Latvia (Online)

This presentation explores the impact of a four-day working week on employees' wellbeing and mental health, drawing on the findings from the UK Four-Day Working Week Trial conducted in 2022.

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Policy, August 2023 (2023)
Rowland, A., Fussey, E., & Paediatrics and Child Health, R. C. O. (2023). Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Policy, August 2023. London, UK: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

RCPCH is asking the government to consider five key points before considering whether a mandatory reporting duty is best for children in England and Wales:

1. All types of child abuse much fall under any mandatory reporting duty
2. A children’s r... Read More about Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Policy, August 2023.

Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy with Clients who are Neurodivergent: Experiences and Practice Recommendations (2023)
Journal Article
Bowers, C., & Widdowson, M. (2023). Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy with Clients who are Neurodivergent: Experiences and Practice Recommendations. International Journal of Transactional Analysis Research, 14(1), 32-54.

This qualitative research study uses Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) (Smith, Flowers & Larkin, 2009; Smith & Nizza, 2022) to explore how Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy can be used effectively with clients who are neurodivergent.... Read More about Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy with Clients who are Neurodivergent: Experiences and Practice Recommendations.

Exploring support, experiences and needs of older women and health professionals to inform a self-management package for urinary incontinence: a qualitative study (2023)
Journal Article
Fu, Y., Jackson, C., Nelson, E. A., Iles-Smith, H., & McGowan, L. (2023). Exploring support, experiences and needs of older women and health professionals to inform a self-management package for urinary incontinence: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 13(7), e071831.

Objectives: Many women attempt to manage urinary incontinence (UI) independently with variable success while health professionals may be unaware of their needs. This study aimed to (1) understand older women’s experiences of UI, their self-management... Read More about Exploring support, experiences and needs of older women and health professionals to inform a self-management package for urinary incontinence: a qualitative study.

Co-creating an app for the self-management of people living with multiple sclerosis: evaluation of a pilot (2023)
Hepburn, P., & Brettle, A. (2023). Co-creating an app for the self-management of people living with multiple sclerosis: evaluation of a pilot. Salford: Salford Clinical Commissioning Group

The purpose of this project was to customise, deploy and
evaluate an App to support the self-management of longterm conditions using Multiple Sclerosis (MS) as a case
exemplar. The App in question was a mature, CE-marked
product. The project w... Read More about Co-creating an app for the self-management of people living with multiple sclerosis: evaluation of a pilot.

Developing digital applications in healthcare: toolkit (2023)
Brettle, A., Hepburn, P., Chapman, C., & Rog, D. (2023). Developing digital applications in healthcare: toolkit. Salford: Salford Integrated Care Service

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide a ‘how to’
manual for projects which aim to engage patients
in co-creating and implementing Apps for the
self-management of long-term conditions.
The toolkit is based on experience gained
together wi... Read More about Developing digital applications in healthcare: toolkit.

Writing pre-adoption medical (PAMs) and initial health assessment (IHA) reports for "Our Children" [Looked After Children]: guidance and top tips (2023)
Working Paper
Rowland, A., Reynolds, A., Sherwood, N., & Dasgupta, S. Writing pre-adoption medical (PAMs) and initial health assessment (IHA) reports for "Our Children" [Looked After Children]: guidance and top tips

Children seen for pre-adoption medicals (PAMs) or Initial Health Assessments (IHAs) often have experiences in common. There may be features in the child’s family history, intrauterine environment and experiences following birth which can have signifi... Read More about Writing pre-adoption medical (PAMs) and initial health assessment (IHA) reports for "Our Children" [Looked After Children]: guidance and top tips.

Achieving consensus on psychosocial and physical rehabilitation management for people living with kidney disease (2023)
Journal Article

People living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) need to be able to live well with their condition. The provision of psychosocial interventions (psychological, psychiatric and social care) and physical rehabilitation management is variable across Engl... Read More about Achieving consensus on psychosocial and physical rehabilitation management for people living with kidney disease.

‘Why would you swap your nice warm van, where you can eat your butties and listen to the radio?’ Mainstreaming a niche of cycle logistics in the United Kingdom (2023)
Journal Article
Sherriff, G., Blazejewski, L., & Davies, N. (in press). ‘Why would you swap your nice warm van, where you can eat your butties and listen to the radio?’ Mainstreaming a niche of cycle logistics in the United Kingdom. Energy Research and Social Science, 99, 103062.

Due to a high level of dependency on fossil fuels, transport is not only a priority for decarbonsation but also a particularly challenging sector to decarbonise. Significant low-carbon energy transitions in mobility will require changes in practices,... Read More about ‘Why would you swap your nice warm van, where you can eat your butties and listen to the radio?’ Mainstreaming a niche of cycle logistics in the United Kingdom.