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Nested Cinema: An Immersive Fiction-film Experience (2024)
Journal Article
Prokopic, P. (2024). Nested Cinema: An Immersive Fiction-film Experience. Leonardo, 57(5), 1-15.

Nested Cinema is an original immersive experience that complicates the boundaries between the physical and the virtual, between the real and the imaginary. Nested Cinema reimagines film through the orchestration of technology across three distinct la... Read More about Nested Cinema: An Immersive Fiction-film Experience.

Stretching Time between Performance and Edit: Applying Tempo-Rhythm in Screen Acting (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Daly, D. (2024, May). Stretching Time between Performance and Edit: Applying Tempo-Rhythm in Screen Acting. Presented at Stanislavsky and Actor Training for the Screen, Online

Tempo-rhythm as a component of Stanislavsky’s system provides stage actors with a valuable technique in establishing character, mood, the dynamic of the scene and overall play and can provoke emotional and psychological responses both in actor and au... Read More about Stretching Time between Performance and Edit: Applying Tempo-Rhythm in Screen Acting.