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From Carnism to Cannibalism: intersectional speciesism in fiction film, Cloud Atlas (2024)
Book Chapter
Herring, L. (2024). From Carnism to Cannibalism: intersectional speciesism in fiction film, Cloud Atlas. In L. Herring, & C. Parkinson (Eds.), Animal Activism On and Off Screen. Sydney University Press.

documentaries. This chapter explores what a fiction film can say about animal activism when read from a critical intersectional perspective. In 2012 Cloud Atlas was released to surprisingly little fanfare, garnering mixed reviews and underperforming... Read More about From Carnism to Cannibalism: intersectional speciesism in fiction film, Cloud Atlas.

Exegesis and Authorial Agency through Judeo-Christian Iconography in Japanese anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995-97) as an Open Work (2024)
Journal Article
Selles de Lucas, V., & Hernandez Perez, M. (2024). Exegesis and Authorial Agency through Judeo-Christian Iconography in Japanese anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995-97) as an Open Work. Imafronte,

Exegesis is a common practice when discussing religious texts. It has also been employed in the analysis of cultural production to elucidate the author's intentions. Japanese animation (anime) is a transnational industry with cases such as Neon Genes... Read More about Exegesis and Authorial Agency through Judeo-Christian Iconography in Japanese anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995-97) as an Open Work.

Human Aquarium - Deep Water (2023)
Exhibition / Performance

A thought-provoking immersive installation reflecting on the effect of climate change and pollution on the Oceans and Waterways of the world. The Deep Water installation centres on a projection-mapped Origami Boat exploring the theme of Climate Refug... Read More about Human Aquarium - Deep Water.

Reflective reels-student perspectives of using reflection. Reflective reels- the impact of embedding reflection into film and television production management training (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Beedles, P. (2023, November). Reflective reels-student perspectives of using reflection. Reflective reels- the impact of embedding reflection into film and television production management training. Paper presented at Teaching Beyond the Curriculum – Focus on Pedagogy 2023, Glasgow School of Art

While the origins of training for the creative industries are grounded in work-based apprenticeships, entry-level knowledge about television production is increasingly delivered in a university setting. This study asserts that what is often missing f... Read More about Reflective reels-student perspectives of using reflection. Reflective reels- the impact of embedding reflection into film and television production management training.

Turning : selected poems 1995-2020 (2023)
Thurston, S. (2023). Turning : selected poems 1995-2020. Shearsman Books

A selected poems volume covering 25 years of work

It is for pleasure, not for my English: Insights into Indonesian adolescent online story readers (2023)
Journal Article
Setia Sari, W., Faruk, K., & Hurley, U. (2023). It is for pleasure, not for my English: Insights into Indonesian adolescent online story readers. #Journal not on list, 13(2), 430-442.

Reading motivation has been extensively studied in online reading settings. However, not much is known about what makes people want to read fiction online, especially in a foreign-language setting. As part of the growth of digital literature and cybe... Read More about It is for pleasure, not for my English: Insights into Indonesian adolescent online story readers.

'Limmy-nality':21st Century Glaswegian Scottish-ness in the comedy of Brian 'Limmy' Limmond (2023)
Book Chapter
Wilkie, I. (2023). 'Limmy-nality':21st Century Glaswegian Scottish-ness in the comedy of Brian 'Limmy' Limmond. In UK and Irish TV Comedy Collection. Springer.

The global Covid-19 pandemic of 2020-2021 has made the production and dissemination of the comic work of Scottish comedian Brian ‘Limmy’ Limmond (b. Glasgow, 1974) seem innovative to the point of being prophetic. As an established Scottish comic aute... Read More about 'Limmy-nality':21st Century Glaswegian Scottish-ness in the comedy of Brian 'Limmy' Limmond.

Mirror on the screen (2023)
Exhibition / Performance

This installation allows the Gallery visitor and their ‘second life’ virtual avatar to confront each other and coexist in the same enchanted forest environment in a live interactive public video installation. Simply stand in front of the video screen... Read More about Mirror on the screen.

Nested Cinematic Reality: cinema as a connected multi-media immersive experience for the living room of the future (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Prokopic, P. (2023, September). Nested Cinematic Reality: cinema as a connected multi-media immersive experience for the living room of the future. Paper presented at MeCCSA Conference, Glasgow Caledonian University

Nested Cinematic Reality (NCR) is a practice-as-research project based on a novel concept for the presentation and consumption of cinematic content, which combines an atmospheric interior space (with IoT features), a virtual space in a VR headset, an... Read More about Nested Cinematic Reality: cinema as a connected multi-media immersive experience for the living room of the future.

"The Great Doctrine Disaster": Reform, Reaction, and Mechanization in the British Army, 1919-1939 (2023)
Journal Article
Searle, D. (2023). "The Great Doctrine Disaster": Reform, Reaction, and Mechanization in the British Army, 1919-1939. Journal of Military History, 87(3), 599–632

Historians have argued that Britain lost its early lead in developing mechanized formations in the interwar period due to financial pressures, inter-arm rivalry, poor tank design, and the misjudgments of tank enthusiasts. A systematic examination of... Read More about "The Great Doctrine Disaster": Reform, Reaction, and Mechanization in the British Army, 1919-1939.

Megalithic stone animism and sonorous potential (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Vivian, P. (2023, July). Megalithic stone animism and sonorous potential. Paper presented at Sound and Photography, Tate Liverpool

The paper documents recent work across megalithic sites in the UK relating to recorded sounds from the 4-5000 year old stones within these sites.