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Physical Artefact

The teleporter zone
Exhibition / Performance

One of five permanent artworks incorporated within the outpatients waiting area of the new Evelina Children's Hospital at St Thomas' London, opened in October 2005. Envisaged by healthcare strategists Rawlinson Kelly Whittlestone and designed by Hopk... Read More about The teleporter zone.

Discover, extend and reposition the solo repertoire of the Salvation Army for the performing baritone/euphonium player
Tee, E. (in press). Discover, extend and reposition the solo repertoire of the Salvation Army for the performing baritone/euphonium player. (Dissertation). University of Salford

This study seeks to discover, extend and reposition the solo repertoire of the Salvation Army for the performing baritone player. The solo repertoire for the baritone, a saxhorn instrument within the euphonium family, compared to other solo instrumen... Read More about Discover, extend and reposition the solo repertoire of the Salvation Army for the performing baritone/euphonium player.

Working together in Higher Education: How to develop collaboration among academics in a new organisational unit to promote an interdisciplinary approach
Broster, P. Working together in Higher Education: How to develop collaboration among academics in a new organisational unit to promote an interdisciplinary approach. The University of Salford

Academe has faced many challenges over recent years including a cultural shift to increase collaboration to provide a greater interdisciplinary approach to teaching, learning and programme delivery (Englund, 2018).
This paper aims to explore what t... Read More about Working together in Higher Education: How to develop collaboration among academics in a new organisational unit to promote an interdisciplinary approach.

Colour accuracy in digitally-printed textiles: what you see is not (always) what you get
Journal Article
Collis, A. M., & Wilson, J. Colour accuracy in digitally-printed textiles: what you see is not (always) what you get. Journal of the International Colour Association, 9, 20-31

One problem faced when digitally printing textiles is ensuring that the colours of the final printed output are a satisfactory match to those of the design on a computer monitor or the original artwork. In other words, that there is a close enough ma... Read More about Colour accuracy in digitally-printed textiles: what you see is not (always) what you get.

Youth design against crime : a catalyst for change amongst young people
Presentation / Conference
Wootton, A., Davey, C., & Marselle, M. Youth design against crime : a catalyst for change amongst young people. Presented at Endless End, Porto, Portugal

The literature reveals a number of programmes across Europe to involve young people in design, planning and/or community safety. This paper describes a programme developed by the Design Against Crime Solution Centre in partnership with the young peop... Read More about Youth design against crime : a catalyst for change amongst young people.

City centre crime: Design thinking for safer city centres
Presentation / Conference
Wootton, A., Marselle, M., & Davey, C. City centre crime: Design thinking for safer city centres. Presented at 8th European Academy of Design Conference, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland

This paper presents the findings of research investigating the relationship between the urban environment and the occurrence of crime, with the aim of devising and implementing practical design interventions to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.... Read More about City centre crime: Design thinking for safer city centres.

Fictionality and tourism in the construction of national images. Studies on Japanese anime representations of Spain
Presentation / Conference
Hernandez Perez, M. Fictionality and tourism in the construction of national images. Studies on Japanese anime representations of Spain. Poster presented at XII congreso nacional y iii internacional : Japon. El turismo como via de conocimiento y desarrollo, Complutense University of Madrid

It is a fact that one of the biggest attractions of modern Japanese culture lies in its immense, outstanding cultural capital. In recent years, the fascination that Japan has on our collective imagination has been stimulated, even more if possible, b... Read More about Fictionality and tourism in the construction of national images. Studies on Japanese anime representations of Spain.

The value of design research in improving crime prevention policy and practice
Presentation / Conference
Davey, C., & Wootton, A. The value of design research in improving crime prevention policy and practice. Presented at Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the European Academy of Design

The Design Against Crime Solution Centre at the University of Salford adopts a human-centred, design-led approach to issues of security, wellbeing and social responsibility. This paper explores how improved service design can enhance the efforts of u... Read More about The value of design research in improving crime prevention policy and practice.

Things that go ‘round: A rhythmanalysis of the relationship between a ceramics practice and domesticity using the form of the vessel
vessel. (Thesis). University of Sunderland

Things that go ‘round: A rhythmanalysis of the relationship between a ceramics practice
and domesticity using the form of the vessel
This research starts from a hypothesis that a ceramics practice undertaken within the home
is interwoven with o... Read More about Things that go ‘round: A rhythmanalysis of the relationship between a ceramics practice and domesticity using the form of the vessel.