Dr Darren Daly D.Daly2@salford.ac.uk
Lecturer in Screen&Stage Performance
Stretching Time between Performance and Edit: Applying Tempo-Rhythm in Screen Acting
Daly, Darren
Tempo-rhythm as a component of Stanislavsky’s system provides stage actors with a valuable technique in establishing character, mood, the dynamic of the scene and overall play and can provoke emotional and psychological responses both in actor and audience. For screen actors working in recorded media, the technique remains a valuable one but is also subject to further considerations that remain outside of the agency of the actor. For example, the tempo and rhythms of the final performance are subject to manipulation post- production in the edit. Furthermore, specific shot sizes and camera set ups often require a manipulation of external physical performance tempos to allow for the capture of certain movement thus, further complicating the relationship between inner and outer tempo-rhythms for the screen actor.
This paper outlines a practice of exploring tempo rhythm in screen-based actor training within a multi-camera studio, working collaboratively with a live editor/technician to explore the technique as a shared enterprise between actors and editors. It highlights the agency (and lack thereof) of the actor in dialogue and action in screen performance and how the technique can be adapted to facilitate a closer collaboration between technical and performance elements in screen actor training. Analysis of student perceptions and experiences of tempo and rhythm on set in comparison to the artefact produced on screen in the edit provide the central methodological approach. The concept of extended tempo-rhythm is presented as a method to encourage acting performances more conducive for editing and as a pedagogic strategy for developing precise and specific character thought and action at various stages of the student actor journey.
Daly, D. (2024, May). Stretching Time between Performance and Edit: Applying Tempo-Rhythm in Screen Acting. Presented at Stanislavsky and Actor Training for the Screen, Online
Presentation Conference Type | Other |
Conference Name | Stanislavsky and Actor Training for the Screen |
Conference Location | Online |
Start Date | May 31, 2024 |
Deposit Date | Nov 11, 2024 |
Publisher URL | https://www.stanislavskyheretodaynow.com/actortrainingscreen |
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