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Evaluation of homelessness services to adults in the secure estate

Madoc-Jones, I; Hughes, C; Dubberley, S; Gorden, C; Washington-Dyer, K; Wilson, F; Ahmed, A; Lockwood, KA; Wilding, MA

Evaluation of homelessness services to adults in the secure estate Thumbnail


I Madoc-Jones

C Hughes

S Dubberley

C Gorden

K Washington-Dyer

F Wilson

A Ahmed

MA Wilding


This evaluation aimed to assess how changes to legislative duties towards those leaving custody since 2015 had been implemented by local authorities, prisons and probation providers; what impact the changes had on housing prison leavers; and to identify areas of good practice in meeting the housing needs of prison leavers.

Chapter 1 provide some understanding the policy context for the development and implementation of the National Pathway for Homelessness Services to Adults in the Secure Estate. Chapter 2 briefly covers the existing delivery arrangements for the pathway. A background paper accompanies this report and provides more in depth
exploration of both these issues. Chapter 3 describes the methodology adopted to undertake the evaluation. In turn thereafter, chapters 4, 5 and 6 respectively present the findings in relation to the operation of the National Pathway at the reception, prerelease and community stages of a prisoner’s journey into and out of custody. In Chapter 7, better practices in relation to implementing the National Pathway are discussed. Finally in chapter 8 the evaluation findings are summarised and recommendations for improving practices are identified.


Madoc-Jones, I., Hughes, C., Dubberley, S., Gorden, C., Washington-Dyer, K., Wilson, F., …Wilding, M. (2018). Evaluation of homelessness services to adults in the secure estate

Report Type Project Report
Publication Date Jun 27, 2018
Deposit Date Sep 6, 2019
Publicly Available Date Sep 6, 2019
ISBN 9781789374728
Publisher URL


evaluation-homelessness-services-adults-secure-estate-en.pdf (1.4 Mb)

Final Report

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