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Globe-LFMC, a global plant water status database for vegetation ecophysiology and wildfire applications

Yebra, M; Scortechini, G; Badi, AH; Beget, ME; Boer, MM; Bradstock, R; Chuvieco, E; Danson, FM; Dennison, P; Resco de Dios, V; Di Bella, CM; Forsyth, G; Frost, P; Garcia, M; Hamdi, A; He, B; Jolly, M; Kraaij, T; Martín, MP; Mouillot, F; Newnham, G; Nolan, RH; Pellizzaro, G; Qi, Y; Quan, X; Riaño, D; Roberts, D; Sow, M; Ustin, S

Globe-LFMC, a global plant water status database for vegetation ecophysiology and wildfire applications Thumbnail


M Yebra

G Scortechini

AH Badi

ME Beget

MM Boer

R Bradstock

E Chuvieco

P Dennison

V Resco de Dios

CM Di Bella

G Forsyth

P Frost

M Garcia

A Hamdi

B He

M Jolly

T Kraaij

MP Martín

F Mouillot

G Newnham

RH Nolan

G Pellizzaro

Y Qi

X Quan

D Riaño

D Roberts

M Sow

S Ustin


Globe-LFMC is an extensive global database of live fuel moisture content (LFMC) measured from 1,383 sampling sites in 11 countries: Argentina, Australia, China, France, Italy, Senegal, Spain, South Africa, Tunisia, United Kingdom and the United States of America. The database contains 161,717 individual records based on in situ destructive samples used to measure LFMC, representing the amount of water in plant leaves per unit of dry matter. The primary goal of the database is to calibrate and validate remote sensing algorithms used to predict LFMC. However, this database is also relevant for the calibration and validation of dynamic global vegetation models, eco-physiological models of plant water stress as well as understanding the physiological drivers of spatiotemporal variation in LFMC at local, regional and global scales. Globe-LFMC should be useful for studying LFMC trends in response to environmental change and LFMC influence on wildfire occurrence, wildfire behavior, and overall vegetation health.


Yebra, M., Scortechini, G., Badi, A., Beget, M., Boer, M., Bradstock, R., …Ustin, S. (2019). Globe-LFMC, a global plant water status database for vegetation ecophysiology and wildfire applications. Scientific Data, 6(155),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 26, 2019
Online Publication Date Aug 21, 2019
Publication Date Aug 21, 2019
Deposit Date Sep 2, 2019
Publicly Available Date Sep 2, 2019
Journal Scientific Data
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Volume 6
Issue 155
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Additional Information : Correction to article is available via (the online version of original article reflects amendment)


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