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Globe-LFMC 2.0, an enhanced and updated dataset for live fuel moisture content research

Yebra, Marta; Scortechini, Gianluca; Adeline, Karine; Aktepe, Nursema; Almoustafa, Turkia; Bar-Massada, Avi; Beget, María Eugenia; Boer, Matthias; Bradstock, Ross; Brown, Tegan; Castro, Francesc Xavier; Chen, Rui; Chuvieco, Emilio; Danson, Mark; Değirmenci, Cihan Ünal; Delgado-Dávila, Ruth; Dennison, Philip; Di Bella, Carlos; Domenech, Oriol; Féret, Jean-Baptiste; Forsyth, Greg; Gabriel, Eva; Gagkas, Zisis; Gharbi, Fatma; Granda, Elena; Griebel, Anne; He, Binbin; Jolly, Matt; Kotzur, Ivan; Kraaij, Tineke; Kristina, Agnes; Kütküt, Pınar; Limousin, Jean-Marc; Martín, M. Pilar; Monteiro, Antonio T.; Morais, Marco; Moreira, Bruno; Mouillot, Florent; Msweli, Samukelisiwe; Nolan, Rachael H.; Pellizzaro, Grazia; Qi, Yi; Quan, Xingwen; Resco de Dios, Victor; Roberts, Dar; Tavşanoğlu, Çağatay; Taylor, Andy F. S.; Taylor, Jackson; Tüfekcioğlu, İrem; Ventura, Andrea; Younes Cardenas, Nicolas

Globe-LFMC 2.0, an enhanced and updated dataset for live fuel moisture content research Thumbnail


Marta Yebra

Gianluca Scortechini

Karine Adeline

Nursema Aktepe

Turkia Almoustafa

Avi Bar-Massada

María Eugenia Beget

Matthias Boer

Ross Bradstock

Tegan Brown

Francesc Xavier Castro

Rui Chen

Emilio Chuvieco

Cihan Ünal Değirmenci

Ruth Delgado-Dávila

Philip Dennison

Carlos Di Bella

Oriol Domenech

Jean-Baptiste Féret

Greg Forsyth

Eva Gabriel

Zisis Gagkas

Fatma Gharbi

Elena Granda

Anne Griebel

Binbin He

Matt Jolly

Ivan Kotzur

Tineke Kraaij

Agnes Kristina

Pınar Kütküt

Jean-Marc Limousin

M. Pilar Martín

Antonio T. Monteiro

Marco Morais

Bruno Moreira

Florent Mouillot

Samukelisiwe Msweli

Rachael H. Nolan

Grazia Pellizzaro

Yi Qi

Xingwen Quan

Victor Resco de Dios

Dar Roberts

Çağatay Tavşanoğlu

Andy F. S. Taylor

Jackson Taylor

İrem Tüfekcioğlu

Andrea Ventura

Nicolas Younes Cardenas


Globe-LFMC 2.0, an updated version of Globe-LFMC, is a comprehensive dataset of over 280,000 Live Fuel Moisture Content (LFMC) measurements. These measurements were gathered through field campaigns conducted in 15 countries spanning 47 years. In contrast to its prior version, Globe-LFMC 2.0 incorporates over 120,000 additional data entries, introduces more than 800 new sampling sites, and comprises LFMC values obtained from samples collected until the calendar year 2023. Each entry within the dataset provides essential information, including date, geographical coordinates, plant species, functional type, and, where available, topographical details. Moreover, the dataset encompasses insights into the sampling and weighing procedures, as well as information about land cover type and meteorological conditions at the time and location of each sampling event. Globe-LFMC 2.0 can facilitate advanced LFMC research, supporting studies on wildfire behaviour, physiological traits, ecological dynamics, and land surface modelling, whether remote sensing-based or otherwise. This dataset represents a valuable resource for researchers exploring the diverse LFMC aspects, contributing to the broader field of environmental and ecological research.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 18, 2024
Online Publication Date Apr 4, 2024
Deposit Date Apr 8, 2024
Publicly Available Date Apr 8, 2024
Journal Scientific Data
Electronic ISSN 2052-4463
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 11
Issue 1
Pages 332


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