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How can digital action research stop Hajj stampedes? The story of developing mobile visuals for multicultural communication

Mohamad, MRA


MRA Mohamad


Our research aims to introduce a Digital Participatory Action Research (DPAR) as a tool to help save lives in Hajj. We reflect three stages of iteration on how to produce Mobile-based Visual Signs (MVS) as artefacts to communicate messages of information for millions of pilgrims coming from thousands of different cultures. To prototype these MVS the “CorelDraw Suite X4” and the “Adobe Photoshop 0.7 ME” have been used interactively with groups of pilgrims, tour guides and government officers. Using both of PAR and technology helped engaging pilgrims and locals during the design stage as well as in evaluating MVS as messages for communication in Hajj. In this paper, we show how these MVS reflect different cultural meanings, which we harmonized in a commonly accepted form. Along different sections of this paper, we deepen blue the reface to reflect “multiple iterations”, “the participatory unit of analysis’’, and “grounded analysis of cultural meaning”.
Crowd control is a growing problem in the tourism industry that is flourishing in many western and eastern countries. The “pilgrimage” or “Hajj” to Makkah, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), offers the biggest tourism revenues in the world. Regrettably, thousands of lives have been lost due to extreme cultural and language diversity that result in miscommunication, stampedes, and deaths. As crowd control is an international problem our research developed several techniques within DPAR, used prototyping technologies and visual dialogue analysis, giving the opportunity for wider application in similar tourism and pilgrimage places suffering from similar problems.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 6, 2019
Deposit Date Feb 26, 2019
Journal Systemic Practice and Action Research
Print ISSN 1094-429X
Electronic ISSN 1573-9295
Publisher Springer Verlag
Publisher URL
Additional Information Funders : Saudi Cultural Bureau in London;Saudi Ministry of Hajj
Projects : Developing Mobile Visuals for Hajj Management

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