Dr Sabine Von-Hunerbein S.VonHunerbein@salford.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer
Eliminating wind noise contamination of wind turbine noise amplitude modulation ratings - first validation
von Hünerbein, S; Kendrick, P; Kerscher, M; Bradley, S
P Kendrick
M Kerscher
S Bradley
Microphone wind noise can corrupt outdoor measurements and recordings. It is a particular
problem for wind turbine measurements because these cannot be carried out when the wind
speed is low. Previous studies simulated the effect that microphone wind noise has on the accuracy
of a proposed Amplitude Modulation (AM) metric and found that even relatively low wind
speeds of 2.5 m/s errors of over 4 dBA can result. It has also been shown that a wind noise detection
algorithm can automatically find uncorrupted sections of the recording, and so recover
the true AM metrics. This paper shows first results on validating the simulation approach by applying
the automatic detection to recordings from pairs of microphones mounted on an acoustic
camera array in combination with the results from the AM rating method suggested by the Institute
of Acoustics Amplitude Modulation Working Group.
von Hünerbein, S., Kendrick, P., Kerscher, M., & Bradley, S. (2017, July). Eliminating wind noise contamination of wind turbine noise amplitude modulation ratings - first validation. Presented at The 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV24), London, UK
Presentation Conference Type | Other |
Conference Name | The 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV24) |
Conference Location | London, UK |
Start Date | Jul 23, 2017 |
End Date | Jul 27, 2017 |
Publication Date | Sep 1, 2017 |
Deposit Date | Feb 15, 2019 |
Book Title | 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2017 (ICSV 24) |
ISBN | 9781510845855 |
Publisher URL | https://iiav.org/icsv24/ |
Additional Information | Event Type : Conference |
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