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OPTIMAX 2017 : radiation dose, image quality optimisation,
the use of new technology in medical imaging

Sa dos Reis, C; Bowdler, MW; Hogg, P; Hauge, IHR; Jorge, J; Thompson, JD; O'Connor, M; Rey, Y; Soares, S; Aandahl, IJ; Baranzelli, JP; Coelho, PM; Eriksen, LMK; Hadebe, NS; Kahl, GG; van Schagen, SJ; Sanderud, A; Aymon, E; Burke, AM; Dijkstra, S; Fosskaug, J; Sanders, SN; Silva, AFN; Soares, FAP; Lança, L; Creedon, J; Dayer, V; Stensholt, N; Stuivenberg, VH; Pinhão, S; Visser, MB; Pires Jorge, JA; Harsaker, V; Buttazzoni, M; Cardoso, A; Knijff, A; Mookrey, T; Safai, O; Buissink, C

OPTIMAX 2017 : radiation dose, image quality optimisation,
the use of new technology in medical imaging Thumbnail


C Sa dos Reis

MW Bowdler

IHR Hauge

J Jorge

JD Thompson

M O'Connor

Y Rey

S Soares

IJ Aandahl

JP Baranzelli

PM Coelho

LMK Eriksen

NS Hadebe

GG Kahl

SJ van Schagen

A Sanderud

E Aymon

AM Burke

S Dijkstra

J Fosskaug

SN Sanders

AFN Silva

FAP Soares

L Lança

J Creedon

V Dayer

N Stensholt

VH Stuivenberg

S Pinhão

MB Visser

JA Pires Jorge

V Harsaker

M Buttazzoni

A Cardoso

A Knijff

T Mookrey

O Safai

C Buissink


A Meijer

C Buissink


This year OPTIMAX settled in Oslo. After the success
of previous years, we are proud to present the fourth
Ebook. As in previous years, the group was made
up of PhD-, MSc- and BSc students as well as
tutors from the seven European partner universities.
Professional mix was drawn from medical physics/
physics and radiography. OPTIMAX 2017 was partly
funded by the partner universities and partly by the
participants. Two students from South Africa and two
from Brazil were invited by Hanze UAS (Groningen)
and ESTeSL (Lisbon) summer school included
lectures and group projects in which experimental
research was conducted in four teams.

Four research projects were performed with a focus
on radiation dose optimization and image quality,
namely: Possible dose reduction for pediatric patients
for conventional radiology; Can the tube voltage be
lowered with the use of direct-conversion flat panel
detector system?; Impact of body size and kV in chest
radiography; Quantity assessment on Image quality of
CBCT images of head phantom with implants of metal
and ceramic objects.The last day of OPTIMAX 2017
there was a poster session and a conference, in which
the research teams presented their posters and oral

This book comprises of two sections, the first two
chapters concern generic background information
about international teamwork during the OPTIMAX

The next chapters with theory on which the research
projects were built. The second section contains
the research papers of the four research projects.
Two research papers, Can the tube voltage be
lowered with the use of direct-conversion flat-panel
detector system? And Impact of body size and kV in
chest radiography: Experimental receiver operating
characteristic analysis using a Multipurpose Chest
Phantom “Lungman” have been accepted for the ECR
conference, Vienna, 2018 as oral presentations.


the use of new technology in medical imaging. Salford, UK: University of Salford

Book Type Authored Book
Deposit Date Feb 20, 2018
Publicly Available Date Feb 20, 2018
ISBN 9781912337095


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