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Experimental study of cathodic protection for reinforced concrete submerged in saline water

Oleiwi, HM; Wang, Y; Curioni, M; Augusthus Nelson, L; Chen, X; Shabalin, I

Experimental study of cathodic protection for reinforced concrete submerged in saline water Thumbnail


HM Oleiwi

Profile image of Yu Wang

Dr Yu Wang
Associate Professor/Reader

M Curioni

X Chen

I Shabalin


Cathodic protection (CP) has been approved in practice to be an effective technique to protect steel reinforcement in concrete from corrosion under severe environmental conditions. Using constant current for CP is the most popular approach in practice, particularly for the structures exposed to atmospheric conditions. However, for submerged structures, the situation of the reinforcement is quite different, if the constant current approach is efficient to provide adequate protection is still not very clear. To have a deep understanding for the question, an experimental investigation has been conducted for reinforced concrete specimens protected by impressed electrical current of both constant current density and constant potentiostatically controlled potential, respectively. Reinforced concrete specimens had varied chloride contents and submerged into salty solutions that have the same amount of chloride added in the concrete mixture have been examined. The performance of protection has been evaluated and discussed. Corrosion potentials and concrete resistivity were also measured and compared with those of chloride content/corrosion rate.


Oleiwi, H., Wang, Y., Curioni, M., Augusthus Nelson, L., Chen, X., & Shabalin, I. (2017, September). Experimental study of cathodic protection for reinforced concrete submerged in saline water. Presented at 20th International Corrosion Congress & Process Safety Congress (EUROCORR 2017), Prague

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name 20th International Corrosion Congress & Process Safety Congress (EUROCORR 2017)
Conference Location Prague
Start Date Sep 3, 2017
End Date Sep 7, 2017
Publication Date Sep 3, 2017
Deposit Date Oct 12, 2017
Publicly Available Date Sep 7, 2018
Book Title European Corrosion Congress (EUROCORR 2017) and 20th International Corrosion Congress and Process Safety Congress 2017: Corrosion Control for Safer Living
ISBN 9781510862500
Publisher URL
Additional Information Event Type : Conference
Funders : Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Scholarship Program


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