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Introducing cultural studies, second edition

Longhurst, BJ; Smith, GWH; Bagnall, G; Crawford, G; Ogborn, M; Baldwin, E; McCracken, S


BJ Longhurst

GWH Smith

M Ogborn

E Baldwin

S McCracken


Includes hot topics such as globalization, youth subcultures, ‘virtual’ cultures, body modification, new media, technologically-assisted social networking and many more

This text will be core reading for undergraduates and postgraduates in a variety of disciplines - including Cultural Studies, Communication and Media Studies, English, Geography, Sociology, and Social Studies – looking for a clear and comprehensible introduction to the field.

A rapidly changing world – in part driven by huge transformations in technology and mobility - means we all encounter shifting cultures, and new cultural and social interactions daily. Powerful forces such as consumption and globalization exert an enormous influence on all walks and levels of life across both space and time. Cultural Studies remains at the vanguard of consideration of these issues.

This completely revised second edition of Introducing Cultural Studies gives a systematic overview of the concepts, theories, debates and latest research in the field. Reinforcing the interdisciplinary nature of Cultural Studies, it first considers cultural theory before branching out to examine different dimensions of culture in detail.


Longhurst, B., Smith, G., Bagnall, G., Crawford, G., Ogborn, M., Baldwin, E., & McCracken, S. (2008). Introducing cultural studies, second edition. Taylor and Francis.

Book Type Authored Book
Publication Date Jan 1, 2008
Deposit Date Nov 23, 2016
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Book Title Introducing Cultural Studies
ISBN 9781315834344
Publisher URL