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A new role for an old drug: Ambroxol triggers lysosomal exocytosis via pH-dependent Ca2+ release from acidic Ca2+ stores

Fois, G; Hobi, N; Felder, E; Ziegler, A; Miklavc, P; Walther, P; Radermacher, P; Haller, T; Dietl, P


G Fois

N Hobi

E Felder

A Ziegler

P Walther

P Radermacher

T Haller

P Dietl


Ambroxol (Ax) is a frequently prescribed drug used to facilitate mucociliary clearance, but its mode of action is yet poorly understood. Here we show by X-ray spectroscopy that Ax accumulates in lamellar bodies (LBs), the surfactant storing, secretory lysosomes of type II pneumocytes. Using lyso- and acidotropic substances in combination with fluorescence imaging we confirm that these vesicles belong to the class of acidic Ca2+ stores. Ax lead to a significant neutralization of LB pH, followed by intracellular Ca2+ release, and to a dose-dependent surfactant exocytosis. Ax-induced Ca2+ release was significantly reduced and slowed down by pretreatment of the cells with bafilomycin A1 (Baf A1), an inhibitor of the vesicular H+ ATPase. These results could be nearly reproduced with NH3/NH4+. The findings suggest that Ax accumulates within LBs and severely affects their H+ and Ca2+ homeostasis. This is further supported by an Ax-induced change of nanostructural assembly of surfactant layers.

We conclude that Ax profoundly affects LBs presumably by disordering lipid bilayers and by acting as a weak base. The pH change triggers – at least in part – Ca2+ release from stores and secretion of surfactant from type II cells. This novel mechanism of Ax as a lysosomal secretagogue may also play a role for its recently discussed use for lysosomal storage and other degenerative diseases.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 22, 2015
Online Publication Date Oct 27, 2015
Publication Date Dec 1, 2015
Deposit Date Oct 4, 2016
Journal Cell Calcium
Print ISSN 0143-4160
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 58
Issue 6
Pages 628-637
Publisher URL
Additional Information Funders : Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG grant DI 1402 (to P.D.);Margarete von Wrangell scholarship from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg (to P.M.);Carl Zeiss foundation, Germany (to N.H.)