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Mapping-by-sequencing in complex polyploid genomes using genic sequence capture : a case study to map yellow rust resistance in hexaploid wheat

Gardiner, L; Bansept-Basler, P; Olohan, L; Joynson, R; Brenchley, RC; Hall, N; O’Sullivan, DM; Hall, A

Mapping-by-sequencing in complex polyploid genomes using genic sequence capture : a case study to map yellow rust resistance in hexaploid wheat Thumbnail


L Gardiner

P Bansept-Basler

L Olohan

R Joynson

N Hall

DM O’Sullivan

A Hall


Previously we extended the utility of mapping-by-sequencing by combining it with sequence capture and mapping sequence data to pseudo-chromosomes that were organized using wheat-Brachypodium synteny. This, with a bespoke haplotyping algorithm, enabled us to map the flowering time locus in the diploid wheat Triticum monococcum L identifying a set of deleted genes (Gardiner et al., 2014).

Here, we develop this combination of gene enrichment and sliding window mapping-by-synteny analysis to map the Yr6 locus for yellow stripe rust resistance in hexaploid wheat. A 110MB NimbleGen capture probe set was used to enrich and sequence a doubled-haploid mapping population of hexaploid wheat derived from an Avalon and Cadenza cross. The Yr6 locus was identified by mapping to the POPSEQ chromosomal pseudomolecules using a bespoke pipeline and algorithm (Chapman et al., 2015). Furthermore the same locus was identified using newly developed pseudo-chromosome sequences as a mapping reference that are based on the genic sequence used for sequence enrichment. The pseudo-chromosomes allow us to demonstrate the application of mapping-by-sequencing to even poorly defined polyploidy genomes where chromosomes are incomplete and sub-genome assemblies are collapsed. This analysis uniquely enabled us to: compare wheat genome annotations; identify the Yr6 locus - defining a smaller genic region than was previously possible; associate the interval with one wheat sub-genome and increase the density of SNP markers associated. Finally, we built the pipeline in iPlant, making it a user-friendly community resource for phenotype mapping.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 26, 2016
Online Publication Date May 3, 2016
Publication Date Aug 1, 2016
Deposit Date Jun 2, 2016
Publicly Available Date May 4, 2017
Journal Plant Journal
Print ISSN 0960-7412
Electronic ISSN 1365-313X
Publisher Wiley
Volume 87
Issue 4
Pages 403-419
Publisher URL
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PMID 27144898
Additional Information Funders : Biotechnology and Biosciences Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)


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