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Phylogeny of the titi monkeys of the Callicebus moloch group (Pitheciidae, Primates)

Carneiro, J; Sliva Junior, J; Sampaio, I; Pissinatti, A; Hrbek, T; Messias, M; Rohe, F; Farias, I; Boubli, JP; Schneider, H

Phylogeny of the titi monkeys of the Callicebus moloch group (Pitheciidae, Primates) Thumbnail


J Carneiro

J Sliva Junior

I Sampaio

A Pissinatti

T Hrbek

M Messias

F Rohe

I Farias

H Schneider


Callicebus is a Neotropical primate genus of the family Pitheciidae, which
27 currently comprises 34 recognized species. Based on their morphological traits
28 and geographic distribution, these species are currently assigned to five
groups: the C. moloch, C. cupreus, C. donacophilus, C. torquatus, and C.
30 personatus groups, although in the past, alternative arrangements have been
31 proposed based on the analysis of morphological data. The principal
32 disagreements among these arrangements are related to the composition of the
33 C. moloch group. In the present study, we tested the different taxonomic
proposals for the C. moloch group, based on the molecular analysis of nuclear
35 markers (Alu insertions and flanking regions) and three mitochondrial genes
36 (16S, COI and Cyt b), with a total of approximately 7 kb of DNA sequence
37 data. Phylogenetic reconstructions based on maximum likelihood and
Bayesian inference methods indicated that the species of the current C.
39 cupreus group should be reintegrated into the C. moloch group. In addition,
40 our results corroborated previous studies suggesting that the species of the
41 current C. personatus group form a distinct species group. We also observed a
42 relatively subtle level of divergence between C. dubius and C. caligatus.
While the known diversity of Callicebus is considerable, these findings
44 indicate that the relationships among groups and species may still not be
45 completely understood, highlighting the need for further research into the
46 biological, geographic and genetic variability of these primates, which will be
fundamental to the effective conservation of the genus


Carneiro, J., Sliva Junior, J., Sampaio, I., Pissinatti, A., Hrbek, T., Messias, M., …Schneider, H. (2016). Phylogeny of the titi monkeys of the Callicebus moloch group (Pitheciidae, Primates). American Journal of Primatology, 78(9), 904-913.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 23, 2016
Online Publication Date May 6, 2016
Publication Date May 6, 2016
Deposit Date Apr 26, 2016
Publicly Available Date May 6, 2017
Journal American Journal of Primatology
Print ISSN 0275-2565
Electronic ISSN 1098-2345
Publisher Wiley
Volume 78
Issue 9
Pages 904-913
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Funders : Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas CNPq;FAPESP;NSF;NASA


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