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ProtectED : valuing the safety, security & wellbeing of university students

Davey, CL; Wootton, Andrew B.; Marselle, MR

ProtectED : valuing the safety, security & wellbeing of university students Thumbnail


MR Marselle


The security of further education (FE) colleges and higher education (HE) universities and the students that attend them, is a significant issue in the UK. University students are at relatively high risk of victimisation due to their age, circumstances and lifestyles. Current approaches to security in the higher education sector focus primarily on campus facilities rather than the broader student experience and are fragmented, varying widely between different institutions. There is currently no comprehensive best practice standard for universities wishing to more effectively address the issue of student safety and security—or the broader issue of student wellbeing. To address this, the Design Against Crime Solution Centre at the University of Salford is developing the ProtectED code of practice. Based on an idea generated by security consultancy K7 Compliance and the Head of Security at the University of Salford, the ProtectED team is working to develop a code of practice and accreditation scheme initially for higher education institutions in the UK, with the potential for further roll-out in further education colleges and to universities in Europe. Adopting a student-centred approach is particularly important in an increasingly market-oriented UK higher education system, and with growing competition for international students. Ultimately, the success of ProtectED will depend not only on its theoretical contribution to student security, safety and wellbeing, but on its design—the ease with which ProtectED can be applied in practice and the strength of the business case for its delivery. The paper discusses the business case for ProtectED, highlighting issues and challenges relevant to its various stakeholders—including Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), students, commercial companies, police, students and government bodies.

Publication Date Jan 1, 2016
Deposit Date Apr 11, 2016
Publicly Available Date Mar 27, 2019
Series Title International Perspectives of Crime Prevention
Book Title International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 8
ISBN 9783942865555
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Projects : ProtectED


DPT_Davey_v20NOV15_final[1].pdf (428 Kb)

Authors' accepted manuscript version

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