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Formative, andragogic, interactive reflection (fair) assessment tool : A development project addressing transferrable learning recognition from open life-wide co-operative engagements

Potts, RM; Haywood, PJ


RM Potts

PJ Haywood


L Gómez Chova

A López Martínez

I Candel Torres


Current economic problems have reinforced the already strong sense of uncertainty and risk associated with the end of classic models of public education; potentially limiting opportunities and educational access to the detriment of social trajectories. As digital technologies become pervasive in society. HEIs have an opportunity for expanding engagements and promoting new partnerships of learning and assessment. We aim to collaborate with community and employer led initiatives to create innovative and flexible learning assessment protocols. The FAIR assessment tool provides a progression framework incorporating the recognition of prior learning, initial profiling, personal development mapping, variable assessment mechanisms and routes to accreditation including achievement from real life and work based experiences.
The digital FAIR assessment tool will be an easy to access portfolio building and personal profiling space providing access to supported self-assessment and stepping stones to educational resources and qualifications. Profiling and self-assessment is a means by which to capture experience and its learning impact and value the existing aptitudes of the individual. The aim is to avert failure and build on the existing strengths of the individual or enhance their skills, competencies and attitudinal habits.

The FAIR assessment project will develop a co-operative approach to designing and delivering affordable and accessible education, learning and skills development suitable for post-16 engagement. This context centred experiential learning framework provides a comprehensive open curriculum shell that can absorb or adapt to negotiated and participant derived content.

This project aims to develop confidence in the inexperienced learner; recognising their independent strengths, capitalising on their learning assets and moving forward in their personal journey towards improved educational rewards.
The initiative will have a direct impact on communities in Salford through collaboration with the Salford Community Learning Trust, the City Council, the University, Salford City College and various communityled networks. It has the potential to replicate its processes and sytems in other educational partnerships and is currently corresponding to parallel development in other UK contexts; Bradford, Middlesex and Glasgow.
The combined aim of this practice will:
- Establish a broad and inclusive collaborative framework to review and adapt the digital badges.
- Create a review process that will develop robust systems of 360 degree assessment incorporating personal, peer, associate, mentor, employer and educator input.
- Test a comprehensive progression framework and learner managed portfolio system with individual participants in a supportive and networked environment.
The method of delivery places emphasis on peer to peer guidance, facilitator feedback and employer consultation to develop the functionality and design of the on-line tool. The FAIR assessment too is conceived as a modelled framework constructed from open source software that allows accessible transfer and widespread usability. What is proposed is a reflective and continuous learning tool that will allow the learner to improve and refine their own, personalised educational information personal narrative and expression.

Publication Date Jan 1, 2014
Deposit Date Jul 31, 2015
Publicly Available Date Jul 31, 2015
Pages 5711-5720
Series Title EDULEARN14
Book Title EDULEARN14 Proceedings : 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Barcelona, Spain. 7-9 July, 2014.
ISBN 9788461705573
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Funders : EDULEARN
Contract Date May 22, 2014


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