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Using social media in research

Robinson, L; Hill, C; Stein-Hodgkins, J; Shires, G; Wray, J; Griffiths, M; Ure, C; Hilton, B


L Robinson

C Hill

J Stein-Hodgkins

G Shires

J Wray

C Ure

B Hilton


Aims/Objectives: To identify the advantages and limitations of using Social Media in radiography research and propose a guideline for good practice. Content of Presentation: This e-poster will use one example - the Word of Mouth Mammography e-Network (WOMMeN) project – to illustrate how Social Media can be used so support various stages of a research project including participant recruitment, data collection and dissemination. Relevance/Impact: Other researchers can benefit from the lessons learned by the WOMMeN team to ensure the most effective and appropriate use of Social Media. Outcomes: A range of Social Media platforms exist. Based on experience, and with reference to a growing body of literature, the WOMMeN project team has identified which of these appear most suited to the various stages of research. Discussion: Social Media has been widely criticised, however used appropriately, it can be a powerful adjunct for research teams. Appropriate use requires an understanding of how the various platforms work, their user profiles and adherence to a sound ethical and professional code.

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name UKRC : Clinical Imaging
Start Date Jun 29, 2015
End Date Jul 1, 2015
Publication Date Jan 1, 2015
Deposit Date Jul 31, 2015
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Additional Information Event Type : Conference