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Diversity management in practice : A cross-cultural & multi-disciplinary annotated bibliography addressing policy and well-being

Elkadi, HA



S Küchler

S Wallman


This volume has emerged out of a collaborative Network of Excellence (NoE) research project funded by the European Commission. The NoE is designed to strengthen excellence on ‘Sustainable Development in a Diverse World’ by integrating European research capabilities across disciplines and countries to provide society and polity with the instruments and tools for managing cultural diversity as a key element of a new strategy for sustainable development. The Network, which comprises 32 Institutes from Europe and beyond, has led to a growing realisation that scholars and practitioners need to be aware of each others’ intellectual inspiration when approaching the sensitive question of the relationship between cultural diversity and sustainable development with the view to setting out policy recommendations which in Europe have wide application.

It provides a bridge across the linguistic and intellectual traditions that currently sets scholars and practitioners in the field of diversity management apart from each other. The bibliography will be drawn from each of the partners active within the NoE, representing Europe and key nations such as India, where diversity is embraced as the essence of society and development. Abstracts will be provided in English of key literature, and the bibliography will support cross-cultural understanding of issues surrounding diversity and its management in society. Articles and books annotated in the publication will comprise both classical works and contemporary perspectives, allowing better communication across linguistic barriers on issues that affect chiefly the management of organisations and cities in Europe.

The volume is a vital tool for anybody conducting primary research in the implementation of diversity regulation, and an inspiration for practitioners in the field of diversity management and policy implementation. The publication will feature Subject, Discipline, Geographic and Diversity indexes, which will enable searches to be conducted across cultural perspectives on diversity and its management.

Book Type Authored Book
Publication Date Dec 1, 2009
Deposit Date Jun 8, 2015
ISBN 9781845193171
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Additional Information Funders : Funder not known