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Mixed-species groups of marmosets and Tamarins across a gradient of agroforestry intensification

Tisovec, KC; Cassano, CR; Boubli, JP; Pardini, R


KC Tisovec

CR Cassano

R Pardini


Polyspecific associations are commonly observed in social animals, including primates, and have been interpreted as adaptations either to improve access to resources or to provide protection against predators. Mixed-species associations between Wied's marmosets (Callithrix kuhlii) and golden-headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) have been documented, and are unique among Atlantic forest primates. Both species are endemic to southern Bahia where part of the forest has been converted into cacao agroforests, which have been subjected to management intensification. Tree density and canopy connectivity decrease in more intensively managed agroforests, potentially increasing predation risk and the frequency of mixed-species groups between these primates. Here, we test this hypothesis using a standardized, large spatial-scale data set obtained from camera-trapping in 30 sites across an agroforestry landscape mosaic. As expected, the frequency of mixed-species groups increased in more intensively managed agroforests, but only relative to the total number of records of tamarins. Our results highlight that the benefits of mixed-species groups can be asymmetrical among species and variable across the landscape. They corroborate that predation avoidance is an important advantage of mixed-species groups in callitrichids, especially for conspicuous species living in smaller groups, such as the tamarin. Despite the importance of agroforests to conservation, our results indicate that management intensification can increase predation risk for species of conservation concern. To maintain the conservation value of agroforests, management practices should be planned to avoid any loss of canopy connectivity, taking into account the biodiversity vs. productivity trade-off associated with shade management.


Tisovec, K., Cassano, C., Boubli, J., & Pardini, R. (2014). Mixed-species groups of marmosets and Tamarins across a gradient of agroforestry intensification. Biotropica, 46(2), 248-255.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 26, 2013
Online Publication Date Mar 3, 2014
Publication Date Mar 3, 2014
Deposit Date May 18, 2015
Journal Biotropica
Print ISSN 0006-3606
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 46
Issue 2
Pages 248-255
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Funders : CNPq Brazil;European Union;Brazilian Ministry of the Environment;Seeds of Change
Grant Number: 306715/2011‐2