H Kropp
Format-Agnostic approach for 3d audio
Kropp, H; Spille, J; Batke, JM; Abeling, S; Keiler, F; Oldfield, RG; Shirley, BG
J Spille
JM Batke
S Abeling
F Keiler
RG Oldfield
Dr Ben Shirley B.G.Shirley@salford.ac.uk
Associate Professor/Reader
In the market exists a large variety of media devices, reaching from mobile handsets equipped with headphones up to an ultra-high resolution display connected with a large loudspeaker setup. This makes it difficult for the broadcast industry to provide all of these devices with appropriate data at once. In the EU- funded FascinatE project a system is being developed that considers the individual requirements of a particular end-user device and allows a user to interactively navigate in an audiovisual scene. This paper focus on the latest audio related developments in capturing and replaying audio objects and the entire sound field with respect to the selected view on any loudspeaker setup. First results of a UK Premier League football match show practical aspects of the spatial audio recording and its playback on a 3D loudspeaker setup that can be used for small event rooms.
Kropp, H., Spille, J., Batke, J., Abeling, S., Keiler, F., Oldfield, R., & Shirley, B. (2011, September). Format-Agnostic approach for 3d audio. Presented at IBC, Amsterdam
Presentation Conference Type | Other |
Conference Name | IBC |
Conference Location | Amsterdam |
Start Date | Sep 1, 2011 |
Publication Date | Sep 1, 2011 |
Deposit Date | Aug 8, 2014 |
Publicly Available Date | Apr 5, 2016 |
Publisher URL | http://www.ibc.org/page.cfm/link=220 |
Additional Information | Event Type : Workshop |
(1.9 Mb)
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