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Research and Enterprise


Research and Enterprise


Perspectives sets out to demonstrate the
impact of the University of Salford’s research and
enterprise activity on the communities we serve,
while also highlighting our engagement with,
and relevance to, issues of direct concern to you.

It is named Perspectives because we are taking an evidence-informed view on current issues, and giving an insight into our work and those of fellow community members that you may not otherwise have known about. It does not set out to be a comprehensive overview of all our activity over the past six
months, but rather is simply a selection to show the breadth, and depth, of activity.

The University’s research pedigree is a long one, arguably dating as far back as Joule’s research in the basement of an unassuming Georgian redbrick terrace – what is now known as Joule house,pictured on the front cover and home to some of our enterprise units.

At the heart of any university lies research; indeed some would argue that research defines what differentiates a university from any other teaching and learning establishment. However, this is not a zero-sum game: learning and teaching and research are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, they reinforce each other, and in the best universities they are completely intertwined.
Enterprise, or what was once called “third mission” activity, now also underlies so much of what we do, whether it’s launching a new research-informed course for practitioners, or a Knowledge Transfer Partnership to share research and expertise between the University and industry, or research and development commissioned by business – enterprise, research and innovation are seamless concepts here, and this is what the University is particularly well known and respected for.

We are always eager to engage with you further on projects such as these, or through volunteering to take part in a research study, or coming to the University for one of our free public lectures.

Our doors are open and we hope that you will join us.


Research and Enterprise. (2013). Perspectives

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date May 1, 2013
Deposit Date Jun 10, 2013
Publicly Available Date Jun 10, 2013
Journal Perspectives: Research and Enterprise at the University of Salford
Volume 1
Issue 1
Publisher URL
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