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Effectiveness of frameworks - A report by the working group on the effectiveness of frameworks of the procurement and lean client task group - published in Government Construction Strategy - Final Report to Government by the Procurement/Lean Client Task Group
July 2012.

McDermott, P; Dickinson, M; Ioannnou, J; Heard, K


M Dickinson

J Ioannnou

K Heard


The Effectiveness of Frameworks Working Group of the Procurement and Lean Client Task Group was established to deliver Objective 10.1 of the Government Construction Strategy:
“To assess the effectiveness of frameworks, in collaboration with departments and the National Improvement and Efficiency Partnership (NIEP) for Construction”.
1.2 This Report is presented to the Government Construction Board (GCB) on the findings and recommendations of the Effectiveness of Frameworks Working Group (The Working Group).
1.3 The Working Group has collected evidence from key central government departments and the wider public sector via the NIEP. This evidence indicates that benefits can accrue from the use of effective frameworks in procuring construction and they include:-
1.3.1 Delivering sustainable efficiency savings;
1.3.2 Reduction in consultancy and construction costs;
1.3.3 Delivery of projects closer to target cost and time;
1.3.4 Reduction of disputes, claims and litigation;
1.3.5 High client satisfaction rates;
1.3.6 High proportion of value of work undertaken by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs);
1.3.7 High proportion of local labour and sub-contractors;
1.3.8 High take-up of government initiatives e.g. Fair Payment, Apprenticeships,
Localism etc;
1.3.9 High proportion of construction, demolition and excavation waste diverted from landfill;
1.3.10 Good Health and Safety performance against national average;
1.3.11 Acting as a key enabler to integration of the supply team.
1.4 The Working Group found that effective framework agreements do exist in the public sector and these have already delivered substantial benefits - both cashable and non-cashable to public sector clients.
1.5 The Working Group‟s investigation has identified that many public organisations believe that they could not deliver their programmes of construction procurement without the use of framework agreements.
1.6 The Working Group Recommends that:-
1.6.1 The principles established in this report should be adopted and implemented by the Government Construction Board;
1.6.2 The findings from this investigation should be made available to framework owners/managers to highlight the potential risks to effective framework agreements.


McDermott, P., Dickinson, M., Ioannnou, J., & Heard, K. (2012). July 2012

Report Type Project Report
Publication Date Jul 1, 2012
Deposit Date Sep 11, 2012
Keywords Construction Procurement, Framework arrangements, framework agreements, government construction strategy
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