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Resilient ecosystem service assessments for sustainable drainage systems

Mak, C; James, P; Scholz, M


C Mak

M Scholz


Increased flooding caused by climate change and impervious surfaces associated with urban areas has highlighted the need to develop better drainage strategies. Excessive runoff from traditional urban drainage systems involving sewers and manholes leads to breaches of the water storage capacity thresholds of the associated receiving natural water bodies, causing flooding and diffuse pollution. Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) have been shown to be a better solution in dealing with excess flooding compared with traditional drainage methods. Aside from flood prevention, SuDS also have the potential to offer a variety of other ecosystem services.

The overall purpose of the research is to advance the understanding of SuDS in the context of the ecosystem approach and ecosystem services. The focus of this presentation is on the development of a rapid assessment tool that combines on-site measurements of traditional SuDS variables with biodiversity indicators and other ecosystem services variables. Despite the importance of cost saving when planning SuDS projects, few researchers have attempted to devise a rapid yet accurate way to assess sites for potential SuDS developments.

The research case study area will be the wider the Greater Manchester region, but the aim is to develop an assessment tool that is generically applicable. The work contributes to a greater understanding of urban ecosystems and will inform decision-making by engineers, planners, and politicians.


Mak, C., James, P., & Scholz, M. (2012, June). Resilient ecosystem service assessments for sustainable drainage systems. Presented at College Research Showcase Day, Media City, University of Salford

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name College Research Showcase Day
Conference Location Media City, University of Salford
Start Date Jun 20, 2012
Publication Date Jun 20, 2012
Deposit Date Jul 10, 2012
Additional Information Event Type : Conference